Sunday, March 27, 2016

How It All Began: Chapter 27

  Jinx bowed his head against the cold rain as he darted through the dirty alleyways. Shivering, he shook out his thin form and pulled his black jacket more tightly around himself, tossing the hood over his thick, dark hair and ears. His tail. which was wrapped around his chest under his shirt, smacked an uneasy beat. "Gotta see Adrienne...gotta warn her...Ryan!" The thought of Ryan steeled his nerves and he sprang onto her roof, and nervously sat outside her window. He pulled his hood off his hair and nervously rapped on the window.
  "Adrienne! Hey Addy!" he called softly. He rapped a little harder and was just about to give up when he heard a shuffling sound from within the room and she ran her hand across the window allowing her to see out.
  She stared out for a second her eyes confused and uncomprehending. Then they widened and she hastily opened her window.
  "Jinx!? What in the...why are you here?" she yelped staring at the cat boy in shock. Jinx blushed not sure how to exactly answer that.
  "Well...its about Ryan.." his tail had long since come out of his shirt and was twitching in agitation.
  She tilted her head causing her bangs to fall across her eyes and obscuring her right eye. A light blush pulled at his cheek and he could feel it.
  "While we're still young Jinx.." Adrienne's trademark sarcasm crept into her voice which snapped Jinx back to reality. So he talked, he explained everything the cats had reported. Ryan's cruelty, manipulation and evil behavior towards poor Aaron.
  As he talked Adrienne's expression slowly softened to a look of pure sympathy. "Why telling should tell Ria.." her voice was soft with a sympathy he never heard before. He bit his lip feeling guilty for not telling her the worst part.

  He walked up the street with one of his cats, quietly talking with the cat. It was a warm, breezy and all around perfect day. Then it was as though someone turned the lights off. Clouds rolled across the sun and a cold wind picked up ruffling the cat boy's hair. A figure leaning against a wall nearby slowly, purposefully walked towards him until he was right up on Jinx. Ryan Barbotti. The cold eyed boy smirked at the flustered cat boy.

  "R-Ryan," Jinx squeaked "I, uh, w-what do you want...?" His ears flattened back against his head in obvious fear. 
  A cold smirk played on Ryan's lips. "A c'mon Jinx, I just wanna talk." he said, his voice agreeable and silvery. 
  The red eyed boy's ears slowly straightened up and his tail fur lay flat once again.
  "Its about Adrienne." the boy's blue eyes began to glow red at the center and Jinx couldn't look away. "I'm not the bad guy fact all I want is Adrienne. I want her as...well a new toy is the best term I guess. I need her to love me for this to work, and you are in my way." 
  Jinx's guard was completely dropped and he had a relaxed. blissful look as Ryan's hypnotism clouded his mind and he readily agreed with every statement he made. When suddenly a sharp female voice drove through his bliss.

  "Hey high and mighty over here," snapped an irritable voice, "Pick on someone your own size or get outta here." she gave Ryan a hard, cold look from under that hood.

"Now beat it!" she stamped her foot and Ryan, in complete shock, stumbled away. She turned to Jinx her dark eyes slightly softer and offered a small smile. "Better warn her lover boy." and with that she turned and walked away.

  "Adrienne...there's more" he whispered softly and, eyes full of tears, explained what had happened. Adrienne's face remained passive as he explained, though her eyes betrayed her shock and horror.
  "Why tell me...he might hurt you." she mumbled staring at the ground her blue eyes full of tears.
  Jinx's pale face flushed slightly pink and he stared at his sneakers. His normally sleek tail was fluffed out and his ears were insistently twitching. "I well...its because...I about you." he stammered his red eyes bright and nervous.
"And Addy.." before she could move he grabbed her arm, pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

  Adrienne's eyes widened and she blushed to the roots of her dark hair, her pale cheeks flushed red and her entire body trembled. "Jinx..." she whispered her eyes wide, she opened her mouth to say something but he raised a hand.
  "C'mon we've got to warn Ria."
  "I heard everything." said a soft voice from the door. Lo and behold Ria stood in the doorway a small smile in her face. "Now who's ready to find Ryan and beat the sicko to death!" She said beaming happily.