
                                                      Blake Millet
    Blake is Lucy's forbidden lover like Romeo. Because she is from the side of light and he is darkness. But just because he's darkness doesn't make him evil. In fact the only real evil about him is his temper.
He is laid back and a generally easy going person however he broke the scared laws of magic by loving Lucy.

Lucy Abbott

Lucy is Blake's lover and from the side of Light in the world of magic. And she is a stereotypical Light type of person. She is cheerful and outgoing but can be a bit moody especially if she gets in trouble. She met her lover Blake when she got in trouble and had to clean up the Magic History classroom. 

Adrienne Millet
Adrienne and her sister Ria are the result of the forbidden lovers Lucy and Blake. One child inherited Darkness magic the other inherited Light. Adrienne inherited Darkness but like her dad that doesn't make her evil. She is very cheerful and energetic, energetic being an ironic description because her elemental magic is energy or lightning based.

Ria Abbott
Ria is Adrienne's sister and inherited light magic as a result of her mother Lucy. Ria's magic is fire based which is a bit odd because fire can be good or bad. She is so nice that she would DIE for a squirrel! She hates hurting people and loves it when she can make people smile.

Taylor Hill

Taylor is the nastiest girl you'll ever meet. She has power only through crushing others and gaining the school system. She's nice to the everyone, well, almost everyone. That's why people like her, she is nice to everyone until you upset her. 

Ashlynn Semmel

Ashlynn is Taylor's best friend and seems to be just as bad, but deep, DEEP down just maybe... MAYBE she has a heart.... Maybe....


Willow Velezo

Willow seems distant at first, but she proves herself to be the nicest popular girl out of the trio.

Jeremy Corrigan

Jeremy is a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed type of person. He is very romantic, and is caught flirting more often than studying. Despite how flighty and flirtatious he is a genuinely good guy. 

Ryan Barbotti

Ryan can be very... manipulating. All you have to do is look into his eyes to see what I mean.

Jinx Remey

His name says it all, he is a jinx through and through. He has a unique and amazing ability of being able to speak with animals as well. He is a shy, slightly moody boy, but when he opens up he's sweet and caring. He is also unquestionably loyal. He also has a disturbing habit of hanging out outside Adrienne's window....whether she knows or not.

Carter Rochan

Carter is a light type obviously. She is cheerful, peppy, and loves to sing. Her magic is spell singing, which is very effective on Summer and her crew. She is good friends with Ria and Adrienne as of now. She is the co-captain of the cheerleaders, and is trying out for captain.

Lola Meunier

Lola is like getting a cold, fizzy Coke on a hot hot summer day. She's so energetic, funny, and cheerful, that she is nicknamed LOL. Being the middle child of seven, she tries very hard to get noticed. Her magic type, is diviner. Meaning she sees the future, well brief glimpses of the future. She is trying to start a band called the Alley Cats. Fun-loving and cheerful, she's Jinx Remey's total opposite!

Aaron Lehne

Aaron is part of Ryan's posse and therefore must be totally evil! But, is he really? He seems to have a slight soft spot for Ria. Could he actually be a lamb playing with wolves, or is he just trying to stir up trouble?

Mitchell Kleiner

Mitchell is also part of Ryan's little gang. His favorite past time is finding new ways to scare people and reek havoc. His job is to be bad, evil, and mean, and he loves his job. His favorite things to do is make people have nightmares. He relishes in the dark.

Lilly Gleaves

Ria's best friend in the whole world, Lilly is bursting with enthusiasm and a unique sense of style. She's always been there for Ria, and sometimes gets down when she's not around. These girls have been best friends since preschool. Like Ria she is kindhearted, but she has very low self esteem.
This is a mysterious girl who appears in times of need. She is often perceived as cold and sarcastic but shows that she truly cares for those who need her help. Her magical abilities allow her to get a read on peoples thoughts and emotions. She first appears telling Aaron he is "only confined by the walls he builds for himself". She always appears wearing a long cloak typically either dusty brown or black. The identity of this girl is yet to be found perhaps she will reveal herself again.


  1. Ah sweetness I love you're blog and Jinx is totally awesome! He actually remind me of a boy at my school!

    1. Cool! We're so glad that you like it. If any viewers have any suggestions or anything, just contact us at and we will get back to you asap!

    2. Wow thanks! If you wanna contact me as well just use or leave another comment with suggestions thanks!
