Saturday, May 24, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 1

 Ria sat up and smiled. It was the start of a beautiful day! She jumped out of bed excited for her first day of school.
 "Ria! Darling! I have breakfast all ready for you!"
 She smiled,"I'll be down in a minute!"
 She dressed for the (in her opinion) glorious occasion! Then she flew downstairs. She hugged and kissed her mom,"Good morning, Mother! How did you sleep last night?"
 "Very well, my dear. Did you sleep well?"
 "Yes, Mother. I had the most wonderful dream!"
 "And what would that be?"
 " I can't tell! Or else it might not come true... Well, thank you for the blue berry pancakes!"
 "You are very welcome, sweetie!"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Light and Darkness-How it all Began: The Prologue


 Lucy was putting books in her locker when her friends came up.
 "Hey, Lucy!"
 "Oh, hey guys!"
 "So, we were all going to the mall to look at the new potions store. You wanna come?" her friend Joscline asked.
 "Sure I do! I just gotta- oh wait." She sighed,"I can't."
 "Well why not?!" Alidia pried.
 "I have to clean the erasers in Magic History and-"
 "Aw, that's too bad! Well, we had better get going or they'll close!" Joscline interrupted.
 "Yeah, ok. See you tomorrow?"
 "Yeah!" They yelled as they flew off.
 Lucy moaned and slammed her locker shut. Why did I have to get in trouble today?! UGH! This is an awful day!