Saturday, May 24, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 1

 Ria sat up and smiled. It was the start of a beautiful day! She jumped out of bed excited for her first day of school.
 "Ria! Darling! I have breakfast all ready for you!"
 She smiled,"I'll be down in a minute!"
 She dressed for the (in her opinion) glorious occasion! Then she flew downstairs. She hugged and kissed her mom,"Good morning, Mother! How did you sleep last night?"
 "Very well, my dear. Did you sleep well?"
 "Yes, Mother. I had the most wonderful dream!"
 "And what would that be?"
 " I can't tell! Or else it might not come true... Well, thank you for the blue berry pancakes!"
 "You are very welcome, sweetie!"

  Adrienne was dead asleep when her alarm clock went off. Her fist flew down and- SMASH! It broke. By the time that her father had finally yelled enough at her so that she got up, she glared out the window. What a stupid, cruddy day. She stomped downstairs and mumbled,"Mornin'."
 Her dad grinned at her, amused because it reminded him of his first day of school,"Well, well, well! Look who dragged herself out of bed long enough to catch pancakes!"
 She glared at him,"Why are you making pancakes?"
 He stopped and it was silent for a few moments,"What do you mean? Can't I fix my daughter some pancakes?"
 "Yeah. You can. You can when you are either bribing me, or have some bad news. You NEVER cook unless it's either two of those things. Unless it's my birthday and I plead you to."
 He sighed,"You remember what today is, right?"
 "Yeah, Monday. woo hoo."
 "Yes, and?"
 "And what?"
 "First day of school?"
 She let out a long irritated sigh,"Why today?!"
 "Well, sorry honey but you gotta go to school! Too bad you got up late, or you might have been able to eat some of these pancakes!"
 "Oh, no, I'm still eating them! You can never be too late to eat." She grinned, drowning her pancakes in syrup and devouring them and her bacon.
 "You know," Blake started,"You're going to make a wonderful mother."
 She smiled at their newborn twins,"You really think so?"
 "I know so."
 She smiled,"You always know what to say!"
 He smiled at her then asked,"What are their names?"
 "Well, they are both girls. What do you think that they should be called?"
 Blake sat there thinking. He then had the perfect idea,"This one took after you, right?"
 He was holding up the child who had a little tuft of blonde hair. She smiled,"You mean she has powers of light? Yes."
 "I think we should name her Ria. Since it means light, ya know?"
 "Ria. Hmmm. That's the perfect name! I love it." She smiled at the baby girl then it suddenly dawned on her,"Adrienne means darkness, or dark angel, right?"
 He thought a moment,"Yes, I believe it is. Why?"
 "Because she took after you." She announced smiling,"Her name is now Adrienne."
 The star crossed lovers smiled at each other and at their newborn babies. Everything was perfect! But not for long. Soon, that happiness was about to end. They heard a knock at the door.
 Blake smiled at Lucy,"You lay here and rest, I'll go get the door." He quickly went over to see who would disturb them at this hour of night. He opened the door, and to his surprise, a knight was standing there. "What do you want?" Blake asked.
 Lucy put the children in their own cribs then walked over to them,"Darling, be nice. Hello! Would you like to come in?"
 "No. I came here bearing a message."
 "And what would that be?" Blake asked him.
 The knight glared at him,"The council would like to have a little talk with the two of you."
 "Tomorrow?! But my wife just had two kids, and is NOT ready for travel, and-"
 "This is about you and your wife."
 Lucy and Blake exchanged glances.
 "And your kids."
 Blake sighed and reluctantly replied,"Fine. We'll be there."
 The knight stepped forward slightly getting close to him and stared him down,"Good."
 Blake gave him a glare then closed the door as he saw him leave.
  Ria ran up to the front doors of the school and breathed deep. Many thoughts were racing through her mind as she flung the doors open ready for her future. The hallways were filled with many teenagers. She walked down the long line of lockers then reached into her backpack for the paper that was there to remind her which locker was hers, and what the combination for her lock was. She smiled then opened her locker. It was dreadful and boring inside, and she was already planning on how to decorate it! A girl who looked around her age walked up to the locker beside her.