Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 20

 Ria was walking down the side of the ocean like she always did when she needed to think. It helped her to calm down and just, breathe.It was like nothing bad could ever happen on her beautiful, empty beach. No one ever came to this particular beach because not many people knew about it. One day, she had stumbled upon it when she was a little kid and was in need of a friend to talk to. The only other person whom she had ever shared her little beach with was her best friend Lilly. No, she couldn't afford to think of her friends right now. She was supposed to meet up with Adrienne and talk about what they were planning, and how they were planning to approach the Council. She smiled as she thought about how brave her parents must have been when fighting for their cause. I wonder what they were like back then.... They must have been the most wonderful people to be around.

 There was only one negative thought clouding her mind. Her parents fell in love. Like truly and wholly love. A type of love that only happens once, and that is true love. True love always prevails. ALWAYS. So why weren't they successful? Her parents had what really mattered the most, and yet they still lost to the bad guys. So what made her think that SHE was any better? If her parents just barely skimmed past the Council's rules, then why would SHE make any difference? She didn't even know what she was really saying when she suggested talking to the Council, she just got mad and said it. she didn't have the slightest clue of how to actually DO any of that.

 "The Council separated my parents. They have basically been in mental torture for all these years. they separated me and Ria. They have torn apart my family ever since I was born. They ruined my life. Now I'm gonna ruin theirs." Adrienne spat.
 "So I take it you have an idea of how we're gonna do this?" Jinx asked nervously.
 "Heck yeah! I've got more than that. I have a plan."
 "And what is this glorious plan you speak of, may I ask?" he asked through sips of milk. Him and Adrienne were at an old cafe called Kacy's Coffee. She was drinking a cup of dark, black coffee, but he insisted on drinking milk.
 "So, we request a meeting with them."
 "And what if they deny us?"
 "They won't. Believe me, they'll want to talk to us."
 He raised an eyebrow,"OK..."
 "Antywhoser, so once we're inside we explain who we are and what we want."
 "And suddenly they will let you fly unicorns and paint rainbows in their castle? Likely."
 She rolled her eyes,"Of course I KNOW it won't be that easy. That's why we do what gets the clogs in there mind to start working."
 "And that would be?"
 Ria stared at her sister as if she was mental. And maybe she was, there was no telling the amount of pressure this was putting on her.
 "Adrienne. Are you INSANE?!"
 "Possibly! But it MIGHT just work!"
 "You, I just, I can't-! YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY MENTAL!!!"
 "Yeah, yeah, we've established it many times in the past. But the point is-"
 "The point is she has a death wish." Jinx cut in, grinning slightly.
 Ria shook her head furiously,"Alright, go over the plan again?"
 Adrienne sighed,"First we get in the castle.We request an audience with 'em, and make a deal. We will show them that the people of Light and Dark City CAN get along! We get in there and find out just exactly why the Council condemned our family to this. We find out how this all started, and why it did. Then, we do everything we can to reverse the fate they gave us. And finally, we abolish that silly little rule about Dark and Light people mixing in Asfiria. As far as I'm concerned, we all live on the same realm, so why are we all separated as if we aren't?"
 Jinx's tail flexed in and outward,"That's a beautiful speech, but the Council is ruthless. You think they're going to listen to a little teenage girl mouthing off to them as if they aren't the people who rule over this whole entire realm? NO! Adrienne, they don't care. The sooner you get that through your thick skull, call me. Then I'll happily frisk into the Council's place and get killed." He got up and without pushing his chair in, and left the cafe.
 The girls watched him pad silently down the sidewalk. Ria stood and patted Adrienne reassuringly on her back,"He probably is just in a bad mood. You'll see, he'll come back. Your plan is absolutely amazing Addy! When are we going to put it into action?" she tried to smile and encourage Adrienne to the best of her abilities, but she could tell she wasn't getting anywhere. "Come on, Let's just get back to the amazing plan. Could you explain to me the details again?"
 She's insane. Absolutely mental! Jinx thought to himself She's going on a suicide mission! Why can't she see that?! I know I shouldn't have ran out like that, but how could I NOT? He shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. He slunk around the shadows as usual, but this time it didn't help him. He always stayed away from crowded streets because he couldn't stand all the noise and commotion people make, so the shadows always made him feel less stressed. He sighed and just hoped that maybe they would forget about the whole idea.
 Aaron was sitting at a back table in Kacy's Coffee. He had the menu in front of his face, but he was looking over it and across the room at Ria and her friend. He couldn't shake the weird protective feeling he had about her. It was like when Ryan forced her into fighting him, the fact that other people could and would hurt her was suddenly real to him. He had developed a habit of watching Ria a lot. Actually since the beginning of school he had wanted to talk to her, but he never got the nerve to walk up to her and say hi. She was like no one he had ever met, forgiving instead of fighting, smiling instead of scowling, talking to people instead of ignoring them, she was just a genuinely... nice girl. He tried to think back of someone -a girl in particular- he had ever met that had ever been as kind as Ria, but he couldn't recall anyone. Ruff maybe, evil and mean maybe, but nobody compared to her. He stared at her with watchful eyes as she rested her head on her arms as if she was tired, while the other girl, Addy, he had heard Ria call her, sipped her coffee and conversed quietly with Ria.

 Suddenly, Ria looked up from her tea and looked directly at him. He jumped and dropped the menu when he saw her staring at him. It wasn't with her usual happy, polite smile, but a curious, confused stare. He got up as his chair fell with a clank on the floor behind him and started for the door. He was so flustered, he didn't notice the chipped tile about a yard in front of the door and tripped on it. In his daze, he noticed a pair of clean, white sneakers in front of his face. He slowly trailed up the sneakers to a leg, then her torso, then face. Ria had her hand outstretched for him to grab on and was wearing an apologetic smile on her face.
 "I'm sorry if I creeped you out."
 He felt his face go beet red as he took her hand,"You didn't creep me out... I was just... um, I got a thing, that I realized I had to go to, that I had forgotten about... and I, uh, sorry. I'm just, gonna go..."
 "You can stay if you'd like, I mean it IS a public cafe, but I guess if you still have your thing, then I wouldn't want to bother you from going to it."

He tried to smile,"Um, thanks but, I need to get to the thing... so yeah." Face still red, he quickly exited and he heard her yell goodbye to him and he half-way waved.
 He ran to the old, abandoned pre-school playground that he went to when he was a little kid. He used to love it there, when it was still up and running, but now it was just a dump. He sat on the swing and tried to clear his mind. Idiot!

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