Sunday, January 18, 2015

How It All Began: Chapter 21

 Taylor Hill sat on her bed with her fluffy Samoyed dog, Ella. She smelled breakfast from downstairs, but didn't want to go down there quite yet. She had light music playing and Ella was enjoying it. I don't want to get up, Ella. she thought. Never ever, ever, ever. She always postponed her breakfast with her parents because she didn't want to talk to them. If she DID by chance go down there, they would start bombarding her with questions she didn't want to answer. Such as, "Darling, when are you going to start taking responsibility and take up the chores of the household?" or "Honey, please start thinking about your future! How are we supposed to raise you in this house when you don't want to follow our rules?" etc., etc.,... But she didn't WANT to be like her parents. She didn't want to have to stay in this stupid castle for the rest of her life. She didn't want to have to learn etiquette and take over the castle and the whole estate. She didn't want to have to do any of these things! But she couldn't bear to upset her wonderful parents. They meant the world to her, so she would release her anger on innocent students. She knew it wasn't right, but what else could she do? She certainly couldn't tell her parents. It was like they lived in their own happy little world, and she couldn't put any part of that world in sadness. She sighed and finally got out of bed and went downstairs to her parents.
 They were smiling at each other from across the table when she came down.
 "Good morning, Darling!" her mother cooed,"You're late to breakfast again."
 Her father looked up and asked,"Is there anything bothering you? Anything at all?"
 Taylor smiled,"Of course not!" she lied,"Have you both had a good morning?"
 "An excellent one." her mother replied.
 Well that's good. Just don't mind me raining on your parade. Taylor thought sadly. Later on, she walked up the steps to Shizo and bumped hard into someone. She dropped all of her books and fell down too!

 "OW! Watch it!" she yelled.
 "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" the person bent down and held out a hand.
 "Well you should-" then she realized it was Jeremy Corrigan. The guy she had crushed on since the beginning of time. She tried to talk to him, but she always made herself look either mean, or like a fool. Plus he was always busy with flirting he probably didn't recognize her from any other girl in Shizo. "-Uh.... that's OK!" she said, quickly trying to change her sentence.
 "Ha! If it isn't Taylor Hill, how ya doin' pretty lady?"
 She blushed deeply. He talked like that with everyone, but she couldn't help it,"Um.....I'm good. How about you?"
 "Wonderful now that you're here."
 And her blush went even deeper,"So um, I was thinking, I mean, I'm now thinking, um, hehe, would you like to go hang out sometime?"
 He frowned,"Hey now, that's no fair! It's my job to ask you on a date!" he winked.
 Her mouth dropped open in embarrassment,"WHAT?! No! I, I wasn't, I mean, oh!"
 He laughed heartily,"That's OK, Princess. Of course I'll go on a date with you!"
 "But I didn't-!"
 "See ya later, Sweetpea!" he waved as he ran to his friends.
 "Oh. My... GOSH!" she whispered to herself. I'm so embarrassed! Did he really think I was trying to ask him on an official date? WAS I? Was he just kidding? OH! 
 Jeremy walked up the hall with a bold smirk plastered on his face. Score he thought with delight I just scored myself a date with Summer Hill. Summer stood in the hall her crystalline blue eyes wide with shock.
 "Am...I really going on date...with Jeremy Corrigan....?" she whispered out loud pressing her hand over her heart.
 Ria walked to homeroom with a bounce in her step and smile on her face,"What an amazingly wonderful day!" she with delight.
 Adrienne slumped along behind her with her hands jammed in her pockets and an irritable look on her face,"It's just another dumb Monday Ria.... What's so special about it...?"
 Ria winked at Adrienne over her shoulder. "Just you wait!" she said with a giggle.

 Adrienne grunted and pulled a piece of pocky from her pocket and popped it in her mouth,"Whatever you say Ria..." she mumbled around the chocolate. Ria pranced into homeroom and sat down by Lilly and the two began whispering and giggling.
 Adrienne walked and sat down next to Jinx,"Hey man." she said softly to Jinx as she reached into her pocket and produced two soda's, then tossed one to Jinx. He grinned, popped the seal and took a swig.
 "Thanks Adrienne." he said grinning. The two began talking about random things, Jinx was about to say something when there was a sudden rumbling noise and a screech that sounded something like "ADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jinx had about five seconds to dive for cover because right then Lola Meunier burst through the door.

 "Hey Lola!" Adrienne laughed at the silly girl,"What's up?"
 "Um, Only the most spectacular, amazingest, awesomest thing EVER!!!!!!"
 "Sweet, what is it?"
 "The Alley Cats have their first gig!"
 "Oh my gosh, no way!"
 "Where? When?!"
 "Thursday night at 6:00 p.m. at Leon's Liberal Lighthouse!"
 She practically choked on her soda,"Leon's Liberal Lighthouse?! How did you get THAT to happen? That's only the best restaurant/hangout EVER."
 "I know right?! We gave them a track, and they loved it! They said they want us to play there EVERY NIGHT! How cool is that?!"
 "EXACTLY what I said! So me and the Ally cats are all freaking out trying to get ready, will you help us? We need an outsider's opinion." she winked at her as she said outsider.
 "Sure, I don't see why not."
 "Awesome! See ya tonight?"
 "My garage at 5 o'clock?"
 "I'm there!"
 "Great!" She then ran off playing an air guitar.
 Adrienne turned back to Jinx,"Sorry, what were you saying?"
 That I wanted you to come to my house on Thursday. "That it would be just my luck if I had a pop quiz in LDB."
 "Oh, yeah that would stink."
 "Yup. Well I better go before I'm late to Ancient Literature."
 "Oh, OK. See ya!"
 "Yeah." Then he slunk off and went outside, even though it was pouring rain. Just great. You're doin' great, Jinx. Just keep on freezing up every time you want to just hang out with her. I'm sure it'll happen if you never do anything. He huffed and looked down at his soda.

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