Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How It All Began: Chapter 22

 "That sounds great, guys!" Adrienne exclaimed. She was at Lola's house in her garage helping the Alley Cats get ready for their gig.
 "I don't know..." Lola mumbled, her brow furrowed in agitation.
 The rest of the Alley Cats groaned in frustration. Eddy, the bass guitarist growled,"We've already practiced the same song fifteen times."
 Lola sighed and turned to her band members,"Look, I know guys, and I know we're all tired, but this has to be PUUUURFECT!"
 "It IS, Lola!" shouted Kiki, the keyboardist.
 "OK OK! Just one more time from the top, OK?"
 A bunch of moans escaped everyone, except for Lola and Adrienne. Adrienne could listen to the Alley Cats all day, and Lola wouldn't stop until everything was perfect.


 Lucy knocked on the door nervously. Should I even be here? Maybe I should go... Well, no one has opened the door yet, so maybe I could get away without anyone seeing me.... She started to walk off when-
 "Lucy? What are you doing here?"
 She turned around quickly,"Hi, Blake! Um... I, uh, baked these for you!"
 He looked left and right confused,"Thanks? I think..... Aside from the wonderful smell emanating from your basket, you shouldn't have come here. I thought we both agreed that it was a bad idea."
 "Well, we did! But, I couldn't wait to see you, and...."
 He sighed shaking his head,"You stupid woman." Then he hugged her.
 She smiled as she melted into his arms,"So was it so bad after all that I came?"
 "Yes," he mumbled, his voice muffled by her hair,"but I forgive you."
 She laughed,"Good, because I brought cookies."
 "And how could I not forgive you then?" then they walked into the house.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

How It All Began: Chapter 21

 Taylor Hill sat on her bed with her fluffy Samoyed dog, Ella. She smelled breakfast from downstairs, but didn't want to go down there quite yet. She had light music playing and Ella was enjoying it. I don't want to get up, Ella. she thought. Never ever, ever, ever. She always postponed her breakfast with her parents because she didn't want to talk to them. If she DID by chance go down there, they would start bombarding her with questions she didn't want to answer. Such as, "Darling, when are you going to start taking responsibility and take up the chores of the household?" or "Honey, please start thinking about your future! How are we supposed to raise you in this house when you don't want to follow our rules?" etc., etc.,... But she didn't WANT to be like her parents. She didn't want to have to stay in this stupid castle for the rest of her life. She didn't want to have to learn etiquette and take over the castle and the whole estate. She didn't want to have to do any of these things! But she couldn't bear to upset her wonderful parents. They meant the world to her, so she would release her anger on innocent students. She knew it wasn't right, but what else could she do? She certainly couldn't tell her parents. It was like they lived in their own happy little world, and she couldn't put any part of that world in sadness. She sighed and finally got out of bed and went downstairs to her parents.
 They were smiling at each other from across the table when she came down.
 "Good morning, Darling!" her mother cooed,"You're late to breakfast again."
 Her father looked up and asked,"Is there anything bothering you? Anything at all?"
 Taylor smiled,"Of course not!" she lied,"Have you both had a good morning?"
 "An excellent one." her mother replied.
 Well that's good. Just don't mind me raining on your parade. Taylor thought sadly. Later on, she walked up the steps to Shizo and bumped hard into someone. She dropped all of her books and fell down too!