Sunday, April 26, 2015

How It All Began: Chapter 25

 Jinx walked up the slippery steps to the Millet's house and cautiously rang the doorbell. Then he realized he had no clue what he was going to say. I'm just gonna leave... He quickly turned around. He got halfway down the steps in his pursuit, when
 He stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around, eyes wide. He saw Adrienne who looked really confused standing at the doorway. "I, um,-"
 "What are you doing here? I mean, not that I don't WANT you here, I just, um..." she trailed off.
 He blushed deeply,"I just," he took a deep breath,"I wanted to say I'm sorry."
 "Then why are you down there in the rain..." she said, ruining his good intentions.
 His blush deepened more,"I don't know..."
 There was silence between them both until Adrienne finally spoke up,"Well, I'm glad you came." He could feel the heat from his face and decided to only nod. "You wanna come inside?" she asked.
 He nodded nervously and she turned on her heel and lead him inside. He felt the sweat go down his back when he saw Mr. Millet AND Ms. Abbott. "If this is a bad time..." he started.
 "No! Its not... I think Mom and Dad want to be alone anyways... Mom's been baking all day 'cause Dad's so bad at keeping the fridge full... She scolded him for 'starving' me for like, half an hour."
 He watched her parents chase each other with the sink sprayer with confusion and amusement. They looked so happy... But how could they not be scared to death that The Council could come knocking down their doors at any moment? And why does Adrienne look so happy for them when she knows that resisting The Council is not only fatal, it's pointless.
 Adrienne grinned,"Sorry about them... Their acting a bit crazy after spending so many years away from each other...." She took him upstairs to her room and closed the door behind them so they wouldn't hear her parents' laughter and shouting. Then she turned to him with an agitated look on her face,"So, are you still mad at us?"
 He sighed an looked down,"No, I'm just..."
 "Your just what?" she crossed her arms.
 He bit his lip,"I just... I don't want you... to die."

She looked surprised when he looked up,"Wait, so you're just, worried about us?" He nodded. "Jinx, my family is more than capable of taking care of themselves. Me and Ria WILL defy The Council and we WILL fight for out family."
 This is only made him more upset about the situation. This meant that they actually had a plan and they were ready to follow through with it! And if he knew Ria and Adrienne, which he did, he knew they would do it. No matter the consequences.
 When he didn't respond, Adrienne could tell he was upset, especially by the look on his face. She walked up to him, put her hands on his shoulders, and looked deep into his eyes,"Jinx, can't you see that The Council is tearing apart families all the time? And for what, no reason at all! It's time that the people stood up for their rights! I don't know about you," she let go of his shoulders,"but I would rather die knowing that I died for my family than die knowing I did absolutely nothing." She was so determined and ready for action, that her electricity powers were making the light in her room flash on and off. She breathed deeply and the light stopped flashing. "I don't know what your problem is when it comes to The Council, but you need to get over it. They are power hungry monsters that need to be stopped, and we're the only ones who will stop them. I don't care if you're too scared to face them. I'm doing what's right whether you're comfortable or not with it." She bit her lip. Maybe that was a little harsh. Jinx nodded with a hurt look on his face, and started to walk out the door when she grabbed his wrist. "Wait!" she cried,"Wait." she said a bit more calmly,"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound..."
 "It's OK. You're right. I'm the one who should be sorry. I never thought about why it would be so important to you. I've never really been the best with understanding feelings..." After all, his parents were ice cold so he couldn't learn anything like reading feelings from them. They cared about perfecting their magic and power, not on such arbitrary things such as other people and their feelings.
 Now she felt bad, he wasn't usually so honest with her,"Jinx..." She leaned forward and hugged him tightly, ignoring her embarrassed mind screaming at her not to. He was very surprised at this reaction, although he was usually surprised by everything Adrienne did. She was just so hard to figure out! He hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. Once he did, he hugged her tighter, praying that the moment would last for a while.
 Ria had been sitting on her knees crying for what seemed like hours to her. She finally stood to her feet and slowly walked in the direction of home. She stopped in front of the Light City sign to look behind her at Dark City. It was beautiful in it's own odd, mysterious way and she had come to love it. She had never given a second thought to Dark City and it's people before she met Adrienne. Sure, she wondered what Dark City was like, but she never truly comprehended it's mysteries and beauty. Once she got to her house, she realized that her mother wasn't back from her dad's yet. I wonder what they're doing... I hope Mom and Dad are having a good time, they definitely deserve it. She let out a sigh and walked up to the front door. Oh my gosh. I don't have my key with me! she thought in horror. She plopped on the cold concrete ground in the carport and leaned her back against the side door. As she wrapped her arms around her knees, she wondered when Adrienne was ready to find The Council, because she sure was. It was like everything that happened with Aaron had opened her eyes to their dire situation, and she was finally aware to the actuality of it all. She looked down at her soaked clothes. She had been in the rain for quite some time, and sitting inside the cold, damp carport wasn't making her any drier. She felt just a bit feverish and she started to wonder if she should go all the way back to Adrienne's and get the bag that had her keys in it. No, if I go there than Mom will freak and start worrying about me. She should be able to stay there as long as she can because I'm pretty sure that this is the last time Dad is gonna let her risk the danger of going there. *sigh* I wish I hadn't been so stupid as  to forget my purse at Dad's. Oh well, worse things have happened. She tried to shove the memory of Aaron out of her head, but she only ended up thinking about him more. Maybe they're making him act that way...I'm, I'm sure that must be it. He would... he would never betray me like that. All of this cold, wet rain was making her sadder and weaker by the minute, she wasn't sure how much longer she could stand the cold, especially in her state of mind. She was confused, sad, angry, and disgusted all at the same time and she didn't understand why any of this was happening to her.
 Aaron, on the other hand. wasn't doing much better than Ria. On the outside, he acted like a mindless robot completing his task, while he was tearing apart on the inside. He walked up to the large doors that lead into the base headquarters and opened them cautiously. He walked in and saw all seven members of The Council sitting at their long desk.  He gently slid Ryan's box to his father, Arturo, across the table.
 "Why, thank you, Aaron. How nice of you to bring this by yourself."
 "Well actually sir, Mitchell came with me and helped lots." he lied.
 "Good, good."
 Aaron started to turn and leave, but Amadis added,"You know, If you continue to keep your amazing record, you may be a great asset to the Council." Amadis was another great leader of The Council.
 Altogether, there are seven leaders of The Council. There are two supreme leaders, whom share the title of Ruler. The first is Horus, the male leader of Aspheriah whom mainly dealt with matters concerning the citizens of Light City. The second is Delia, the female leader of Aspheriah whom mainly dealt with matters in Dark City. The rest of the members are Amadis, the female leader, Bundar, the male leader, Arturo, the male leader, Frederek, the male leader, and Miliani, the female leader.
 Aaron bit his lip and stared at his sneakers wishing he could think of something to say."T-Thank you Amadis I-I mean...." he said trailing off loosing the sentence. Amadis nodded and continued her own conversation as though Aaron had never existed. Mitchell grabbed Aaron's arm and gave a slight tug, and though nothing was said the message was clear. Mitchell nodded his head to Arturo and Amadis.
 "It was a pleasure meeting with you, if you'll excuse us." Mitchell said in his smooth, silky voice. He pulled Aaron out of that room before he could embarrass himself further. "You idiot!" Mitchell hissed and Aaron bowed his head in shame. As Mitchell continued on about he had screwed up epicly, Aaron's thoughts wondered far from the situation... He imagined himself walking up to Ria and begging her to forgive him for standing her up. He imagined explaining everything and then Ria would fling her arms around him and promise it was OK. He smiled at the image wishing it was real, so badly wanting to reach out and rap his arms around her delicate form.

 "Uhhh earth to Aaron... Anybody home?" came Mitchell's voice, jarring Aaron out of his fantasy. He brushed his hair back and tried not to look aggravated at Mitchell for ruining his fantasy. 
 "Yeah yeah I'm here." he mumbled avoiding his eyes. A sudden thought struck him, maybe just maybe he could fix everything between him and Ria. "If Ryan asks, tell him I went home." Aaron said, his eyes now steeled with determination to see the girl that he cared for more than anything else. He turned on his heel and walked away from Mitchell. He vowed and determined to see her

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