Monday, September 15, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 13

 Ria heard her mother yell about someone being on the phone thingy. Stifling a giggle, she picked up the phone "Hello?" Ria wasn't sure what she expected but Adrienne's hoarse, scared voice wasn't it.
 "Ria...hey get somewhere alone this is serious..." Ria sat against the door in her room listening to Adrienne's nervous voice as she told the entire story. Ria's big dark eyes widened.
 "Oh no Adrienne that's horrible!!" she whispered, terror filling her voice.
 Adrienne nodded, "But...who's Lucy and why are you in trouble...?"
 Ria frowned at the ground, "Lucy is my mom's name...." she said softly.
 Adrienne's eyes widened slightly,"We need to meet up can we meet at the borderline between Light City and Night City?"
 Ria blinked nervously but answered "Yeah totally."
 Ria was pacing along the Light/Night borderline with a worried look in her eyes. Adrienne came running over, her dark hair flying.
 "Hey Ria, I'm so sorry that I asked you to come all the way here, but I just HAD to see you!"
 Ria walked up to her and smacked her on the head.
 Adrienne was just standing there for a second not really moving and was just completely shocked by Ria's reaction. She looked into Ria's furious eyes and looked down ashamed. She knew she shouldn't have gotten Ria involved! She would have to deal with this like she always did. Alone.
 "Addy, I am your friend. I thought we were best friends, but never mind that. I am your friend. Whether you like it or not and you need to stop being like that." her eyes got softer,"I'm your friend. I will always be here for you WHENEVER you need me for whatever reason."
 Adrienne felt like she was about to cry,"Thank you, Ria!"
 "You're very welcome! Now what is this stuff you've been talking about your dad?"
 She stood up, regaining her composure,"Oh yeah, like I said, a guard just showed up, and him and my dad were arguing! And it was about a promise, me, you, and some girl named Lucy..."
 "I just don't get it! That is definitely my mom's name."
 "Maybe he wasn't talking about her? I mean, there are a LOT of Lucy's in the world..."
 "YEAH, but why would he be 'using me' to get closer to her? I don't really particularly know any other Lucy's..."
 She frowned,"I guess you're right, but how would they have known each other before?"
 "Maybe they met at Shizo High? My mom DID used to go there." Ria guessed.
 "She used to go to our school?"
 "Yeah, I think that's what she said anyways..."
 "That's odd, so did my dad."
 "Maybe they knew each other."
 Ria felt her dark-like eyes, much like Mr. Millet's, widen as she stared at Adrienne. She had never noticed how much Adrienne looked like her mom. Sure, Adrienne had Mr.Millet's hair color, but Ria's eyes, facial features, even the way her messy bangs fell across her forehead was just like his. Ria's hand flew to her mouth as she remembered her first sleepover with Adrienne, and when she had noticed how much she looked like Mr.Millet.
 "Adrienne," Ria whispered, her voice sounding hoarse, "you look like my mother..."
 A small gasp came from Adrienne's mouth as her eyes looked over Ria. "You look a..a..alot like dad." Adrienne whispered.
 "This is so weird, I mean you look like my mom, I look like your dad, AND they went to the same school together, just like us!" Adrienne and Ria both drew in shuddering breaths.
 "What does this mean, then?" asked Adrienne,"I mean, you don't think they...."
 "They what?"
 Suddenly, Ria had an amazing idea,"You might not, but I bet THEY would!"
 "So...What are you getting at?"
 She sighed,"Surely they would tell us if they had ever crossed paths, right? I mean, there HAS to be some explanation for this. Yes! There is, of course, a logical explanation as to why all of this is happening.."
 Adrienne blinked,"You lost me."
 She grinned,"I know what we are gonna do!"
 "What? Get some pizza?! 'Cause I'm like, REALLY hungry after all that running and worrying.."
 "No! Ugh. We are going to get talk to them about it! They'll tell us if anything ever... went down, right?"
 "Right!" They both agreed that they would ask their parents right after supper, and then call each other and discuss the details, and what they found out.
 Ria wiped her mouth politely before nervously addressing her mother,"Hey, Mom, can I ask you something?"
 Lucy looked up,"Yes, Sweetie?"
 "Um, can you... did you.... Tell me about the friends you made at SHS?"
 "You mean Shizo High School?"
 "Yes! I mean, what was it like when you were going there?"
 "Well, it was a nice, decent school. I had a lot of friends there, and I always had fun." She smiled,"That's really all to say."
 "So, did you ever have... I don't know... a boyfriend?"
 "A boyfriend?! HA! Yeah... sort of." She grinned immediately, thinking of how her and Blake met.
 Ria watched the dreamy look in her mom's eyes and continued with a little more confidence then before,"So who was he?"
 "Um... Ria, darling, that was a LONG time ago, I'm sure you don't want to hear-"
 "Oh, but I do! I want to hear ALL about him! You can start with his name."
 Ria thought a moment. What was REALLY the harm in telling her daughter about him? It's not like she would EVER find him anyways. It pained her to think it, but she knew how much the council hated him, and how he ALWAYS got into a scrape, so he was most likely dead. It made her want to cry just thinking about it, but even if he was, it's not like she could have been any help anyways. Maybe it was about time to tell poor unknowing Ria about her wonderful, brave father. Besides, what harm could it do?
 "Um... Mom? What was his name?"
 "Oh! I'm sorry dear! I believe I zoned out there for a second on you, I'm sorry." She smiled,"Are you sure you want to hear about him?"
 "OK! OK! His name was Blake. Blake Millet to be exact."
 Ria dropped her teacup that she had been previously using to look casual,"B-B-B-Bla-a-ake?"
 "Darling are you all right?!"
 "Yes, I-I'm fine. Um, continue!"

 She gave Ria a worried look but decided to move on,"Well, he was the most handsome boy I'd ever seen! He had jet black hair, and a fair complexion. He was a trouble maker, but he was the nicest boy I'd ever known at the best of times. We met after I had to clean the erasers one day at school, and he had been pranked by a friend of his. They made his cauldron boil over! They had to evacuate the school for at least a week! Although it still smelled like burnt liver even after. Anyways, I was running, and he was running, and we just happened to smack right into each other. I was so angry at first!" she laughed,"But then, I looked up and was caught by the most drop-dead gorgeous eyes I had ever seen in my life, and I knew: He, was the one."
 Ria was leaning in, intently listening,"That is the most beautiful story I've ever heard in my life, Mom!"
 She smiled,"Well, it has always been my favorite."
 "So what happened after that?"
 "Well," she said a bit nervously,"We obviously fell in love! We were both young, and very dumb, and so even though we knew it was a long shot, we got married RIGHT after we both graduated from school."
 "Wow, really?"
 "Well, it was about a month after, but you get what I mean! We actually eloped, but it was an official marriage. Then, we had you!" She grinned and reached over to hug her beautiful daughter.
 "So, what happened to him?"
 "Well, like I said, he was a trouble maker, and he was always getting himself into scrapes that even he was surprised he'd gotten out of, but we always knew it was going to be alright. Well, one day, we got into a scrape, he couldn't manage to get us out of." She frowned slightly,"But, he's long gone. Haven't seen him since you were just a few weeks old!"

 "So... he died?" she said with sad eyes.
 Lucy looked down. She wasn't like Blake, she couldn't explain away everything, she would never be able to explain what happened to him without confusing her, or scaring her! "Yes. Yes he did." It took all she had to be able to choke the words out.
 She looked at her daughter's surprisingly furious eyes,"Um, of course."
 Ria leaned back in her chair as if disappointed,"Alright then."
 Adrienne bounded into the living room where her dad was awaiting her. He gave her a worried look,"So what happened? Like, do you want something? Or did you do something...?"
 "No, Dad! What would make you think that?!"
 He blinked twice,"Because you actually fixed supper, you did the dishes, and you told me to sit in here and relax because you would take care of everything. I also stepped into your room, and it was CLEAN. You're starting to get me worried..."
 "WHAAAT? I ALWAYS clean my room!"
 He gave her the do-you-really-think-I'm-that-stupid look.
 "OK, maybe I don't... But just hear me out!"
 "Okay.... What is it?"
 "I want to know....." She just couldn't take it any longer,"DID YOU KNOW A GIRL NAMED LUCY WHEN YOU WERE GOING TO SHIZO?!"

 He stopped, stock-still and slowly looked up at Adrienne's determined eyes fixated on his own,"Um... No." Why should he tell her? He really badly wanted to, but it was pointless telling her. She would only want to know more, and that would be dangerous. He wasn't going to allow anything to happen to her just because he couldn't handle his own "sin" as the council calls it. "What would give you that idea?" he replied with unbelievable cool.
 She stopped. She hadn't thought it would go like this,"Um, I just, I,-"
 He smiled,"Come on, it's about your bedtime. You have school tomorrow, so I want you to actually go to bed instead of listening to music all night."
 "But I-!"
 "No buts! Bed. Now."
 She sighed and stomped upstairs.
 "There's no point in getting mad over something as silly as going to bed!" he shouted after her. Then he looked down and mumbled to himself,"Life is too short for stuff like that." He ran his hand through his hair and sat down on the couch. He looked out the window wistfully and lightly said,"Oh, Lucy, what am I gonna do? I don't think I can handle this much longer. She has a right to know, hasn't she?" he sighed and retired to his room where all he could do is think about her. He always dreamed about her, and always had images of her running through his mind. Every once in a while, he would hallucinate from lack of sleep and would think she was there. He could see her with extreme clarity.
 Adrienne slammed her door as she heard her father yell about how silly it was for her to get mad. She wasn't mad about going to bed, she was mad because he was lying. She could see it in his eyes! What made her more sad, was that whatever he was keeping from her, he didn't trust her enough to be able to handle it! Her eyes were wide with rage, and she just sat on her bed. Then, she angrily grabbed the phone and dialed Ria's number.

 "Hey, Addy! I didn't know you would call so soon!"
 "Oh. Well, I asked my dad about Lucy."
 "He said he didn't know her."
 There was a moment of silence and she thought she might have lost her, but then Ria's voice came through the receiver,"Well Mom knows him."
 "Yeah! She told me the whole love story just a few moments ago! Did you know they got married just five months after they met?"
 "No way! When did they meet?!"
 "They met in the last year of school! They got married a month after they graduated."
 "Woah. But, why did your mom tell you this, and my dad... not?"
 "Well, maybe it was too hard for him. It must have been something crazy that happened to separate them, because Mom said he DIED."
 "YES! And she told me ALL about how awesome he was! Although, she never told me HOW he died, but she said he did."
 "I can't believe they had never told us about this! Wait a minute. If your mom married MY dad, wouldn't that make us..?"
 Adrienne almost dropped the phone,"I can't believe this! But wait a minute, we're the same age..."
 "Well if you work out the numbers.... then that means.... And then.... If I'm correct, then logically, we'd be twins."
 She let out a low whistle,"I...I..."
 "Do you not want to be?" Ria asked nervously. It sounded like she had disappointed Adrienne.
 "WHAT?! Are you kidding? I'm super excited!"
 "YAY!" she then started dancing around her room.
 "I know what we'll do for plan B!"
 "If they, individually. won't tell us the truth, maybe they will together."

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