Friday, September 19, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 14

 Adrienne groaned,"But DADDY!!!!"
 "I SAID no!"
 "UGH!!!! But she's my friend!!!! Why can't she come over?!"
 "I don't mind if you have her over!"
 She glared at him,"BUT DAAAAD!!!!!"
 "I said no! END OF DISCUSSION."
 She crossed her arms,"She's my best friend, Dad!"
 He looked at her determined eyes and knew that she would be undeterred from this notion, so he sighed and mumbled,"Fine. ONLY because she's not sleeping over."
 "But- Fine."
 "Good. Now, go to school before you're late."
 Her angry frown disappeared and he sighed, knowing he had been tricked. He just couldn't resist the puppy eyes!
 "THANKS DAAAAD!!!!!!" she yelled as she ran to the bus stop. About an hour later, she saw Ria sitting under a tree outside of the school. She jogged up to her,"Ria! I did it!" she yelled.
 Ria turned around with a huge beaming smile on her face,"Really? How did you manage that! I could've sworn that after all the noise we made last time I was there he would NEVER let me back!"
 She stopped short,"You seriously doubt me?"
 She laughed,"I guess not. So I'm bringing my mom?"
 "As planned!"
 Lucy walked up to the front porch with her daughter Ria. "Are you sure it's alright to be coming out here?"
 Ria looked back at her mom's nervous expression and smiled assuredly,"She's my best friend. It's about time you meet her and her family!"
 Lucy looked at the door unknowing of what lied behind it,"I- I suppose you're right..." What she didn't know, was which one of Ria's many best friends she was meeting. Then, Ria rang the door bell. 
 Adrienne looked up and grinned evilly at her father with whom she had just been arguing about whether or not her and Ria was allowed to eat ice cream sundaes at 3 a.m. "By the way, Dad, I also invited her mother."
 She then opened the door before he could do anything. There stood his beloved Lucy and their daughter Ria.
 Lucy merely stared mouth-open at him. She didn't understand what was going on, when she remembered hearing Ria's friend named ADRIENNE ask for her on the phone. She had sensibly tossed all thoughts of her actually being THE Adrienne, but now it was no doubt. She had just broken the law yet again as she stared at Blake, whom looked equally surprised to see her.
 "Come in, Ria, Mrs. Abbott!"
 "Thank you!" Ria replied courteously,"Mother, this is Adrienne and her father Mr. Millet. Mr. Millet, Adrienne, this is my mother, Lucy Abbott." It seemed like a whole century before anyone spoke, even though it was only a matter of minutes.
 "How do you do?" said Blake, regaining his composure.
 Still shocked, Lucy closed her mouth looking very embarrassed,"G-Good, you?"
 Adrienne and Ria looked at their mom to their dad and wondered why anything romantic and amazing wasn't happening yet. They all went to the kitchen where supper was sitting ready on the table. Blake, by habit, asked Lucy if she wanted tea then quickly added Ria and Adrienne in as well. They all sat in the living room and talked (mainly Ria and Adrienne) while drinking tea.
 Blake was VERY nervous.

 As for Lucy, she was equally nervous, but simply gave him an irritated glare. Was he TRYING to get them all killed?!
 He then got up to take every one's teacups to the kitchen. "Here, allow me to help you." she smiled politely, taking her own cup into the kitchen with her. When they got into the kitchen, Lucy grabbed a knife and pointed it towards Blake,"What are you trying to pull?!"
 He stepped back and put his hands up in surrender,"I had absolutely NO clue that you were coming. I SWEAR."

  "But you was OK with my daughter coming?!"
 "Well, I.... I.... I didn't know she was YOUR daughter until Ria came to my house one time. Apparently, Adrienne and Ria have been acquainted since the beginning of the school year."
 She sighed and looked down,"Do you promise?"
 "As much as I have been praying that I would see you again one day, I promise. I had nothing to do with this."
 Then she ran up to him and hugged him,"I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"
 Shocked, he slowly put his arms around her and returned the hug,"I've missed you too."
 She looked up at him with teary eyes,"It might have taken a few years, but you kept your promise, huh?"
 He grinned,"Yeah, I did."
 She smiled, then her eyes widened,"Oh my gosh! What are we going to tell the girls?!"
 He frowned confused,"Tell them about what?"
 She then quietly admitted,"I might have sort of.... told Ria... that, um, Blake Millet was.... her, um, father."
 He pulled away from their happy hug and looked at her deeply in the eyes,"You did WHAT."
 "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! It's just, she kept on pressuring me about her dad, and frankly I didn't think I would ever see you again and I didn't know that she was best friends with our daughter, and I didn't think she would ever try and find you, or get us together for that matter, but I just-"
 "Calm down."
 She blushed slightly,"Sorry..."
 He smiled,"It's alright, but if she knows that I'm her dad, then that means she probably told Adrienne, which means she probably knows that you're her mom..."
 "So, how are you going to get yourself out of this?"
 "I'll find a way..."
 "There is NO way. They both know, and we're all here. There is no way around it." he sighed,"This is gonna take a while of explaining..." They both came back to the living room where Ria and Adrienne had both been idly chatting. "We have some news." Blake announced. Both girls looked up and gave them an it's-about-time look. "We've sort of been keeping something from you girls..." He looked at Lucy nervously and she took his hand with a smile.
 "Ria, Blake is your real father, and Adrienne, I'm your real mother."
 Although the girls had been expecting this to happen, they still were amazed at the actuality of it. Their parents really had been keeping this major secret, they really did have two parents, and they were really talking to them now.
 Adrienne was the first one to brake the silence,"W-Why would you guys keep something so important from us? Did you not expect us to be able to handle it?"
 "No! It's not that at all! It's just, we weren't supposed to ever see each other again."
 Ria gave them a confused look,"So you both divorced...?"
 "No! Nothing like that, we were just, how do I put it, forced. Forced to be separated."
 "By whom?"
 This time, Blake answered,"The Council."
 It was silent for a few seconds when Lucy launched into a full on story of how they both really met, and what happened. "As you can see, it was very hard and dangerous times, and with the Council watching our every move, we knew that if we didn't keep to our promise, that they would surely kill us all. That's why we never told you both the truth."
 Ria and Adrienne sat there in total shock of how dangerous it was just sitting in the living room together, of the total destruction the Council had caused to their once happy family, and how brave their parents were for everything they had done.

 Adrienne looked down,"So you both did this in our best interest?" They both nodded. "Then lets change this story!" Blake, Lucy, and Ria all looked confused. She sighed,"Lets go march up to the Council and demand them that we be a family!"
 Blake's mouth dropped open and Lucy simply laughed. "You certainly got your dad's bravery." Lucy said.
 Blake shut his mouth and sat back in his seat,"I think we've both decided that was stupidity." Lucy merely grinned.
 "That's an awesome idea, Addy!" Ria agreed.
 Lucy and Blake both stopped laughing, realizing they were both completely serious. "What are you, crazy?!" Lucy exclaimed,"We just barely made it out with our lives the last time we defied the Council!"
 "That's exactly the reason we NEED to talk to them!" Adrienne bounced back,"This is an injustice against your civil rights!"
 Blake interrupted her,"I don't think the Council gives a single thought to our rights. It's only the Council and what THEY believe is right. Civil rights has nothing to do with this..."
 "But, we can't just pretend tonight didn't happen!" Ria protested.
 "Ria!" Lucy scolded,"We can't help that we are in this position." She looked to Blake for help.
 "Listen, we don't like this situation any more than you, but there is nothing we can do about it."
 "But Dad!" Adrienne started.
 "End of discussion!" Him and Lucy got up from the sofa and he got Lucy her coat. He walked Lucy to her car, and she turned around.
 "I guess this is goodbye. Again." she said. She felt like she would cry.
 "Yeah..." Blake sighed.
 "So, do you really think that it's going it be alright for Ria to sleep over tonight? Or any other night for that matter?"
 He sighed,"I really don't know. I THINK it's OK, but I can't guarantee anything." She looked down, then opened the car door. She was about to get in, when she turned, kissed him on the lips, then got into the car and drove away.

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