Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 16

 "We're going to approach the Council!" said Ria triumphantly. The effect of her words was instant, Adrienne stumbled back, making a strange choking sound and Jinx's eyes got huge and round.
 "What?!" Adreinne shrieked in an exasperated tone,"Have you lost your mind?!!"
 "No!" she replied indignantly,"I haven't lost anything except for a happy set of parents!"
 Adreinne couldn't reply. How could Ria think that if their amazing parents couldn't get the Council to except them and their love, how in Light or Dark City alike could they get them to change their minds so suddenly?!
 Jinx finally spoke up,"That's a REALLY bad idea, Ria."
 "What?!" she cried,"You're on her side too?!"
 "I'm not on anybodies side! I just think it's a bad idea to just run into the situation without even thinking or having a plan. The Council is ruthless. You do NOT want to make them mad."
 "And how would you know?"
 He looked down,"I just do, alright?"

 She must have been irritated because she rolled her eyes,"Adrienne, we can do it. I KNOW we can!" She gave her a hopeful look.

 She merely shook her head,"Jinx is right. It's a fool's death wish to approach the Council with such little information on our side."
 Ria's eyes darted around the two of them,"So, so you're both against me?" she said with tears in her eyes.
 "Ria, it's not that we're AGAINST you, we just don't think it's a good idea. At least, for now. It's a very formidable idea, and I agree. Something needs to be done. But not us. Not right now."
 Ria gave her an agitated glare,"DON'T YOU EVEN CARE?!"
 She looked shocked,"Of course I care! I-"
 "Ria! I-"
 "No! You don't get it! Just forget it!"
 Right then, Jinx grabbed her  arm,"Ria. You need to shut-up. People are starting to watch."
 She looked around. He was right, people were staring at them. She hung her head. Although Jinx had offended her at first when he told her to shut-up, she silently thanked God for his keen sight. "I'm sorry." she mumbled, then she turned on her heel and ran to class. Small tears formed at the edge of Adrienne's eyes as she stared after Ria. Jinx's ears drooped sadly when he saw Adrienne's teary eyes.
 "Ria..." a sound similar to whimper escaped her "I-I..." she turned away quickly and bolted away from the school tears streaming down her face.
 "Adrienne!" Jinx shouted running after her, his ears pressed down against his head.
 Adrienne tore around a corner her mind in a whirl of sadness and panic Ria hates me! My own twin sister! She ran into an alleyway her face streaked with tears. Slumping against a wall, she slid down with her head pressed into her knees as her body was racked with sobs.
 Jinx was stopped at the place he had last seen Adrienne. He was trying to hear her but his own panic was dulling his senses. A small black cat, sensing his despair began to wind itself around his ankles trying to calm the frazzled boy. Jinx absently stroked the cat wishing he could search the entire city at once, then all of sudden it hit him he could! He leaned down to the small black cat. "Hey boy do you think you could help me?" Jinx said, his voice naturally slipping into the language of cats. The little tom cat stared up at him with its luminous yellow eyes. It mewed back asking how he could help. Jinx quickly explained about Ria and Adrienne and the fight. "Can you help me?" Dipping its head, the tom cat sped off. Smiling slightly, Jinx went on his search for Adrienne.
 Meanwhile Adrienne sat against the ally wall tears still flowing freely down her face. "Ria we can't just approach the Council, you idiot!" she whispered out loud. Slowly her sadness began to melt giving way to her famous temper. Her thoughts where now a whirlwind of anger and sadness. Lightning sparked on the edges of her fingers and around her feet electricity crackled and flashed.
 Jinx charged a corner, his eyes wild, and then he saw her. It was as though a strong wing had kicked up, her hair and clothes fluttered and lightning crackled on her finger tips. "Adrienne!" Jinx cried his eyes wide. The raven haired girl slowly turned and in that moment Jinx could see behind her anger he could see she was sad and that she agreed with Ria but was terrified of the consequences.
 "Please, Jinx, leave me alone!" her voice was high and brittle and before he could stop himself, he ran forward and hugged her. Adrienne stood there in shock while Jinx hugged her tightly, tears flowed down her face.

 "Jinx..." she whispered, but the Jinx refused to let her go. For a long time the two just stood there Jinx hugging her, and Adrienne crying. Finally after what seemed an eternity, Jinx released the crying girl. Adrienne stood there trembling.
 "Are you feeling better Adrienne?" the boy whispered, now feeling slightly embarrassed about hugging her.
 "Y-Yeah a bit." she whispered still quivering. Jinx gently took her by the arm and led her out of the ally and back to school.
 "You'll be okay Adrienne, I promise." he whispered softly.
 "B-But what if Ria h-hates me now" she whimpered quietly.
 "Addy! I don't hate you!" came Ria's familiar voice from behind them. Adrienne swung around to face her twin sister. Ria ran up to her and hugged her tightly.
 "You're my twin...I could never hate you!" For a long while the two sisters just stood there hugging.
 "C'mon, Ria, let's go home." Adrienne said taking her sister's hand, and beginning to walk home.

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