Friday, September 5, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 12

 Adrienne's dream was strange. Kids with magical powers, especially diviners like Lola, have strange dreams anyway, but this one was WAY beyond Adrienne's normal weird. In her dream she was running not away from something but toward something. She had dirt smudged on her face and her clothes where ripped and tattered. As she ran she stumbled from exhaustion I have to make it if I don't he'll die! she thought wildly. As she ran her fear became so intense her magic began responding to it. Random bursts of electricity sparked from her body responding to her crazy emotions. As she ran she saw a hooded figure standing over a cowering boy prepared to kill him
 "NO!" Adrienne jolted up screaming herself awake. She sat there breathing heavily her body drenched in cold sweat. Slowly she got out of bed and dressed for school her mind's eye replaying the horrifying dream. Who was that boy? she thought grabbing her school stuff and an apple, heading out the door.

 As she walked to school she passed a white haired girl, not Winter Velezo, but another girl she had never seen. This girl had her head bowed and was shivering slightly. Adrienne bit her lip and slowly walked over.
 "Hi....are um are you ok?" she was trying not to bolt from this girl. The white haired girl looked up revealing startling red eyes.
 "Who're you" she asked not in a mean way but in a cautious way.
 Adrienne bit her lip nervously "I'm Adrienne Millet what's your name and why'r you upset?" The white haired girl regarded her curiously with red eyes.
 "I'm Jocelyn Sweet and I'm upset because today is fourth anniversary of my twin brother's death." Oh wow. Adrienne hadn't been expecting that but the white haired girl continued. "And well I had to move to a new school, where I don't know anyone and I already have a hard time making friends..." she stopped taking a deep breath, but Adrienne cut her off.
 "Here lets start over. Hi my name is Adrienne you seem pretty cool." the raven haired girl offered her a grin. Instantly a huge smile came over Jocelyn's face.
 Suddenly a bubbly, happy girl replaced the sad girl. The black haired girl blinked,"Nice to meet you, Adrienne!'' she said actual joy her actual voice.
 "I wanna talk, but I can't. My classes are starting real soon. Are you a freshmen?"
 "Uh, yeah!"
 "Cool. That means that you will be in my classes. Are you new? Like just got here new?"
 "Yeah... I just got transferred after, some things... happened in my old school."
 "Okay? Well, I can show you the way to class."
 They walked to class together and found their assigned seats. Adrienne was TRYING to do her schoolwork, but she was having a hard time processing any information at that time. All she could think of was that alarming dream. And the fact that she was really craving bacon.....but that's not the point. She was soooo happy when the final school bell rang that she flew right out the door as fast as lightning. She felt like she needed to let some energy out, so she ran all the way to her house and slammed the door behind her.
 "I'm Home!" She ran up to her room and cranked her stereo to the highest volume setting it had. She was so spaced out that she didn't even realize how dark it had suddenly gotten. Of course it is usually sort of dark and dreary at Night City (hence its name), but she could tell it was probably almost her bedtime. She yawned and stretched then got up and walked downstairs. She heard voices, so like the mischievous girl that she was, she stopped at the top of the stairs and eavesdropped. She saw her dad at the front door talking to... a guard? Why is a guard at our house? I know I flew out the door at school, and therefore used my powers, but surely they wouldn't come all the way from Light City just to yell at me and dad, right? Holy crap! Their from Light City! This must be REALLY serious! Oh no, WHAT DID I DO?!?!?!?!!
 "-so they sent me down to check it out."
 "Wow. The council must be so worried that I'm gonna stray." Mr. Millet said with an amused grin.
 "It IS what your kind is best at."
 "My kind? Wow." he laughed slightly, "So now I'm a certain species?"
 "You have ALWAYS been beneath us."
 "Coming from someone who serves the Council day and night..." Blake mumbled.
 "What was that?"
 "Oh nothing."
 The guard glared at him, "Surely you haven't already forgotten our promise already, have you?"
 "Oh no, I got it."
 Are you sure?" the guard replied testily.
 "I think I would remember someone threatening to kill me, especially coming from the whole council." Blake snapped at him agitated.
 "Good. You AREN'T getting any ideas now, are you?"
 "Like what." Blake responded sarcastically.
 The guard gave him a look.
 "If you think I am trying to use my daughter to get closer to Lucy, your an idiot. I would never put her, Ria, or Lucy in harm's way like that. I remember your promise, and I expect the council to keep it. Now leave before I make you leave."
 With a glare towards Blake as if he was a bug that needed to promptly squashed, he turned and left. Blake closed the door, and slowly slid down it with a sigh. As he sat there, he ran his fingers through his hair as a sure sign that he was distressed. Adrienne looked away from him with her back against the wall and her eyes wide. A promise? To kill my dad? What did he do?! And what does it have to do with Ria? And who is Lucy? Why does the Council hate him so much anyways? Does this have anything to do with me? Did I do something that upset the Council and now Dad is paying for it? OH NO! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!?!! Is something going to happen to Dad? Is something going to happen to me? I hope I haven't gotten Ria into this either!!! I WONDER IF THE GAURD WILL COME BACK! As you can see, her thoughts were running wild. She ran back into her room and called Ria. Exept her mom answered.
 "Um.. Hi. This is Adrienne, I'm a friend of Ria's. Is Ria there?"
 Lucy stopped and stood completely still as the color drained from her cheeks. Adrienne? "Um... RIA! SOMEONE WANTS YOU ON THE, THE, THE PHONE THINGY!!!!!"

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