Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 10

 "Hey, Addy!" Ria yelled across the hall. She started running towards her when she saw her at the lockers. She was excited to tell her about the new clothes she purchased at the store with Lilly, but she stopped short when she saw Adrienne already talking to someone. She switched from running, to walking.
 A girl with long blonde hair and cat ears with a tail wagging furiously was talking nonstop to her,"And so I was like NO WAY! And he was all like YES! And I was just like BEEP BEEP BEEP- YOU'RE CRAZY!!!" And they both started laughing. Adrienne was laughing? Wow. Ria had managed to smuggle out a laugh every once in a while from her, but she was surprised that someone else could get one from her.
 "OH MY GOSH, SERIOUSLY?!" then she burst into laughter.
 "YES! I couldn't believe it! And when I went to band rehearsal that night and told them, they all freaked! So we had a HUGE blowout! It was the craziest party EVER!"
 "Wow! I wish I could've been there!"
 "Too bad you weren't! We totally could have pigged out on Pizza!"
 "I know, right?"
 Then Ria decided she would try coming into the conversation."Hi, Adrienne! Who's your friend?" she said, eyeing her suspiciously.
 "Oh, hey Ria! This is Lola."
 Lola smiled and held her hand out for a shake,"Lola Meunier at your service!" then her and Adrienne giggled some.
 "Nice to meet you, Lola." Ria smiled politely. It's not that she didn't like Lola, she just.... well it's hard to put it. She thought Lola was nice and all, but a small selfish part of her almost wanted Adrienne all to herself. She silently scolded herself for seeming so rude. If Adrienne wanted other friends, that was her choice! It's good for her to have more friends than just Ria anyways, right?
 Adrienne grinned at Lola,"LOL, this is Ria Abbott."
 "Sweet! It's awesome to get to meet you! Addy's told me all about you!"
 Ria smiled happy that Adrienne actually talked about her,"But I thought your name was Lola? Why did she call you LOL?"
 They both laughed and Adrienne responded,"Because she's all the time making people laugh! And she loves texting...... Plus it's the perfect abbreviation for her name!"
 "Oh." Ria smiled,"Well, I wanted to show you the clothes I bought at the store with Lilly later!"
 "Oh, OK. You could show me right now if you want." She smiled.
 "Um.. That's OK. Besides, there's so many, I don't think I can!"
 All three girls laughed. Ria felt bad about it, but she just didn't want to share it with Lola too. She just wanted it between her and Adrienne. Which was ridiculous because her and LILLY bought them, but she just wanted to only show Adrienne.
 "Alright, girls," Lola started,"I'm gonna have to go, or Kyle's gonna have a fit!"
 Adrienne frowned but then smiled,"Alright, see you later!" they waved, and Lola padded away. Although Lola was half cat, her and Jinx were very different. Jinx was sneaky and "slinks" everywhere. He is very graceful and quiet, whereas Lola is reckless and "pads" everywhere. She usually just runs everywhere she goes, and sometimes can't stop.
 "So..... Where did you meet Lola?"
 Adrienne turned to face Ria,"Oh, I saw her outside under the blossom tree and ran over to say hi."
 Ria stared at her. Now she really didn't like Lola. It took her almost a week to even get to be OK friends with Adrienne! She never wanted to talk to Ria before, and yet she'll just walk right up to this stranger and want to be friends?! It wasn't fair! She tried so hard to be Adrienne's friend, and right when they were really starting to connect, this girl comes up and ruins it!
 "So what's so important that you bought?"
 No. Ria would NOT except defeat! She would be the BEST friend to Adrienne! Then, she would accept her! "Oh! I got inspired by you, and bought some new clothes! I actually really like black. It goes with literally everything!"
 "Yupp! Everything. Even brown! Well, as long as you pair it right..."
 "Cool! See, I didn't even know that!"
 She smiled,"You'll get the hang of it."
 "Oh, and um, could you help me? I have no clue how to wear some of this stuff.... Or what to pair it up with...."
 "Have you never worn any black?"
 There was a brief moment of silence,"No."
 *cricket* *cricket* Adrienne smacked her hand on her forehead,"You have got to be kidding me. Well, I guess this means we'll have to have lots more slumber parties..."
 "YAY!!!!!!!" Then she linked arms with her and with both of them laughing, they ran down the hall to their next class. Jinx had just come up.
 "Hey guy- or not. That's OK too." They didn't hear him at all, as he was mumbling, so that's when they ran off. He sighed and turned, only to be face to face with Ryan Barbotti. He gulped slightly then stepped back.
 "What's up, dork?"
 He kept his eyes on the ground trying to tune him out.
 "Hey, Cat-boy! I'm talking to you!" And he shoved him to the ground. Jinx got up and glared at him.
 "What do you want, Ryan?"
 "I want losers like you who give all of us a bad name to leave the school."
 "Well too bad that you're stuck with me for four more years."
 Ryan glared at him. He glared deep within his soul and Jinx tried to stare back at him, but lost it and had to look away.
 "Ha! Just as I thought. What a wimp."
 "We're not supposed to use our powers outside of class!"
 He turned around with a menacing glare that made Jinx want to run away. He flinched, but didn't run. "And I'm supposed to care?"
 "You can get in trouble if you want. I would love it, especially since you should."
 "What do you mean by that?"
 "Well, you were the one who put that lizard on the teacher's shoe, and then make Adrienne serve your detention time for you."
 "I didn't make her do anything. She didn't even know it was me."
 "I know. You knew the teacher would blame her though,"
 "So, it's wrong."
 Now he was MAD. "You know what? You're right. I shouldn't be using my powers in the halls." Then he grabbed him by the ear and dragged him outside.
 Adrienne was sitting in class almost asleep, when Jinx came in with his head down.
 "Mr. Remey! Why were you late?!" If there was one thing Mrs. Josey wouldn't tolerate, it was people being late.
 "I'm sorry, Mrs. Josey." Then Ryan and his posse, Mitchell and Aaron came in.
 "Why are all of you boys late?! Is this your fault, Mr. Barbotti?!" She sighed,"I'm going to have to send a letter to your parents."
 Jinx looked up in alarm. THAT was the last thing he needed,"NO!" He replied a little too quickly and a little louder than expected.
 "Mr. R-!"
 "Please, it was my fault. I was talking to them, they didn't do anything! Please don't contact our parents, I promise it won't happen again."
 She gave him a stern look,"Alright, I'll let it go for today, but you have detention!"
 Mitchell looked up,"All of us?!"
 "No, only Mr. Remey. Now, take a seat, all of you!"

 They all replied,"Yes, Ma'am." Before Jinx could go take a seat, Ryan pushed past him and gave him a big smirk. Mitchell pushed past him as well, and Aaron slowly followed. Although he wasn't smiling like Ryan and Mitchell were. Jinx found his seat beside Adrienne and pushed his hood over his head as if he was trying to disappear. Adrienne waited until after class to talk to him, but right when it ended, he was the first one out. She ran after him and out into the hall.
 "Wait, Jinx!"
 He stopped, but didn't turn around.
 "Jinx! What's wrong with you? And what was with that lie back there?"
 "What do you mean?" He said still not turning around.
 "I know you wouldn't purposely keep those guys out of class."
 "How would you know?"
 How would she know? It's not like she gave him the time of day to understand him. There was silence, and he started walking again.
 He kept walking.
 She hesitated, but then she ran over to him, grabbed his arm, and wrenched his hood off. He grabbed for it, but she grabbed his hand instead. She pushed him to a locker with his hands restricted. Now she understood why he had the hood over him, his nose was bleeding, his lip was bleeding, and there was a scratch that went across his cheek. She gasped and let go of him. He looked down and pulled his hood over him again. His eyes were cloudy and sad. She felt bad again.
 "Jinx, how did that happen?"
 "It's no big deal."
 "Yes it is a big deal!" A wave of fury rushed through her. Who would do this to him?! 
 When he didn't answer, she smiled at him and gently took his hand. His eyes widened, and they stayed fixed on hers, which was exactly what she wanted. she slowly led him outside keeping her eyes locked on his. Since she had gotten into a few fights herself before, she regularly kept bandages in her backpack. She got one out and lightly pulled his hood down. He let her. At least, he didn't stop her. He was still staring into her eyes, mesmerized. She also carried around a mini bottle of Peroxide, so she spread some out on the rag she had, and lightly touched it to his face. His tail bristled and he winced, but he didn't move. Her confidence boosted, she cleaned out the rest of the cuts, then applied a bandage to the large scratch on his face. It didn't look like a big deal, but she knew it must hurt. Although it didn't look bad, she could tell it was deep. He just watched her tend to him. The fierce, wolf-like girl was gone, and was replaced with a kind, gentle one who happened to be his substitute nurse at the moment. Her eyes kept a worried haze as she tended to him. Then he spoke.
 "You should be a nurse when you get older."
 She grinned thinking it to be a very funny joke,"Me? Nah, I'd end up accidentally killing someone because I would be freaking out."
 He laughed,"You don't like hospitals?"
 She shook her head in disdain,"Not particularly."
 He smiled at her. He just couldn't figure this girl out! But maybe that was OK. Sometimes it's better to be surprised. "You would be a good one."
 She smiled in return, and blushed deeply. A weird feeling gurgled in her stomach. Was she hungry? No... She had just eaten lunch. Maybe she ate too much. But, that can't be right, she only ate a small handful of crackers! Nevertheless, her stomach was flipping as if she was about to throw up, but she knew she wouldn't. It was weird, because she liked it.

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