Sunday, August 24, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 6

 Blake opened his eyes. He saw two ceiling fans above him, wait, no, it was just one and he was seeing double. He focused a little better and saw that he was in a small room that had a bed, a side table with a pitcher of water on it and some bandages, and a chair. He sat up, well tried, but was forced to lay back down because of the jolting pain coursing through his body. Where am I? I thought I was dead... He then started to remember what happened last before he died. Well, he thought he died. He flew into an upright position even though the pain was immense and started frantically looking around as if Lucy would just appear if he thought hard enough. Lucy! Lucy!!! Lucy was the only thought in his mind when all of a sudden, a women opened the door and came in. She gasped when she saw him sitting upright in bed looking as if he was in a panic.
 She ran over to him and pushed him back into bed as gently as possible while still being firm,"No! You must stay in bed!"
 It wasn't much of a struggle because he was so weak, but he still gave every ounce of energy into getting up to find his wife. "Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Lu-!"

 "Is safe!"
 He stopped and stared at her trying to process what she was telling him.
 "Lucy is just fine." She said with a genuine sweet smile.
 He still pursued,"Where is she? Where are Ria and Adrienne?! What did they do to them?!"
 "Calm down! They are all alright! They're fine! Because of your actions, you saved them. It's all OK."
 "Where are they?!"
 "They are in the living room."
 "What?" He then realized that he had no idea where HE was at,"Where am I?"
 "You are at my house. I am a nurse. They wouldn't take you in at the hospital, so I brought you here."
 He sat there for a moment trying to comprehend what was happening. His head was killing him, and his body ached all over. He then realized that he was shirtless and blushed slightly. He also noticed that he was enveloped in bandages. "What happened?"
 "I figured you would ask me soon enough. After you became unconscious, everyone thought you were dead. when they realized that you were just very slightly breathing, Lucy begged on your behalf saying that you had already carried out sentence enough. They were going to kill you anyways, but Lucy all of a sudden went crazy! She started screaming that they would pay, and that she would kill them!"
 His eyes widened in unbelief. Lucy? She's more fragile than a flower! How could she do that?
 "Of course, she couldn't. She got very close to, but she couldn't in the end. She just started bawling her eyes out. Then, she tried to kill herself."
 His heart stopped.
 She noticed his sudden switch in moods and noticed his unease so she quickly went on and said,"But they stopped her! They had compassion on her and figured that maybe, just MAYBE you had been lashed enough. None of them believed you would make it through the night so they decided they would allow you to live." Not that that's really living. she thought to herself. "Lucy never once got hurt and is faithfully waiting for you in the other room."
 "Can I see her?"
 "Of course! Let me go get her."
 His heart leaped. Lucy walked in followed by the nurse holding her two baby's. Right when Lucy saw him sitting there smiling at her, she started bawling and ran to him. He held her in his arms and let her cry all over him.
 "I-I-I-I- th-thought you we-we-were- were- were- we-were-!"
 "I know. It's alright. I'm fine" He said smiling at her. She cried more and then let go of him realizing that she was hurting him hugging on him so tight. He smiled at her. She smiled but her smile instantly turned into a frown when she looked down at all his bandages. Blood was seeping through his bandages and they needed to be changed. She stepped aside taking Ria and Adrienne to let the nurse get through. She put her hand to her mouth to keep from screaming when she saw the angry torn flesh and seeping gashes. Olive, the nurse, had never let Lucy in while she was tending to Blake, so Lucy had never seen his wounds. He was so covered up in blood when she thought he was dead, so she never got the full sight of his wounds. She was completely sickened. Especially by knowing that since it had been a few days, he was definitely better then he was when he first got here. She forced a smile onto her face, trying to be strong for Blake like he had been for her so many times before.
 Adrienne opened her eyes. She sighed and turned over sleepily. She caught sight of the alarm clock. It was 10:00 a.m., she fell off the bed with a gasp. She struggled to get up silently cursing her alarm clock because she knew she would be EXTREMELY late for school. She hurriedly got ready, when she realized it was Saturday. She sighed getting her shoes she was just trying to squeeze on without untying in the closet. She went downstairs to see her father sprawled out onto the couch. He was asleep. She grinned thinking of all kinds of evil pranks she could do to him. It was a hot summer day, and her dad must have been really hot because he had taken off his shirt. She had a weird expression on her face. She didn't think she could ever remember her dad actually taking off his shirt... She grinned and grabbed a pitcher full of ice cold water from the fridge, determined to pour it on him since he was shirtless. She walked ever so quietly to him, but stopped short when she saw him. He had huge scars all over his chest and stomach. She gaped wide eyed wondering how that happened. The scars looked as if they had been extremely painful at one time. She knew that he had a lot of scars up and down his arms, but she had never really thought about it. She never thought he would have that many scars, she wondered what could have happened. It looks as though he was beat to death! she thought. Then she realized that her father had never told her anything about his past. She didn't know where he grew up, what he did, if he grew up with parents, or even who he fell in love with. She had asked him about her mom once when she was little. He said that she was the most beautiful women he had ever seen, and that she was also the kindest person he knew. He said he loved her lots and lots and that he wished she could have known her. She suddenly felt bad for wanting to prank him. She hung her head in shame. Her father worked for 15 hours straight everyday just to be able to keep up the household. Since he was surprisingly amazing at cooking, he did everything in the kitchen, plus outdoor work. She put the pitcher back in the fridge and decided to put herself to use.
 She cleaned up the kitchen, living room, bathroom, her dad's room, and her room. She even watered the plants and hosed off his car. When she got back inside, he was sitting up on the couch running his hand through his hair.
 "Dad! Agh! You weren't supposed to get up yet!"
 He stared at her confusedly then grinned when he saw her covered in suds and soaking wet,"Oh, and why?"
 She stopped, trying to think of a witty comeback, when he just laughed and hugged her. Suds and all. It felt good. She hadn't really hugged her dad in a LONG time. He never hugged her because he didn't want to trespass on her territory. She had told him she had out grown hugs, and not to hug her, so he did. She slowly melted in his arms and hugged him back. After a few minutes, he separated, much to her reluctance. He put his hands on her shoulders and smiled at her.
 "Go take a nice long shower and come back down for lunch." His tone was very light and gentle.
 She smiled,"OK. Thanks, Dad." Much to his surprise, she gave him a big hug, then ran upstairs.
 Lucy smiled at Blake. She was sitting in her living room with Blake, Ria, and Adrienne. They were all laughing and talking, happily reunited, when all of a sudden, Guards came in and dragged Blake out of the house. She was screaming and screaming,"BLAKE!" and "LET HIM GO!" but they didn't listen. They whipped him over and over again just like that time 15 years ago, but this time, they actually killed him. She cried and cried screaming over and over again.
 "Mom! MOM! WAKE UP!"
 With a jolt, Lucy's eyes flashed open and she fell off of the couch screaming,"BLAKE!"
 "Mom!" Ria helped her up and Lucy regained her senses. "Mom, are you OK?"
 "What? Oh, yes. I'm so sorry, sweetie. I didn't mean to frighten you." She replied to her daughter's very scared expression.
 "Are you sure?"
 "Alright.... By the way, who's Blake and why did he need to be 'let go'?"
 "WHAAAAAA? OH! Um... No one...."
 "Well, he's OBVIOUSLY important if you're dreaming about him! Spill the beans, Mom!"
 "What? There are no beans! None at all!"
 Ria just gave her a are-you-kidding-me-could-you-be-more-obvious look. "I think there is some secret guy you're going on dates with!"
 "WHAT?! NO! It's nothing like that, Ria!"
 "Then what IS it like?!"
 She looked at her daughter's hopeful look. She just couldn't tell her about Blake. Not after that terrible life like dream, she might burst into tears before she could tell her!
 Ria's face fell when she saw her mother's eyes get cloudy and teary. She was suddenly very concerned,"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
 Lucy smiled and got up,"Come on, it's almost time for lunch."
 Ding dong! The bell rang. Adrienne opened the door and to her great surprise, Ria was standing in front of her with a cloudy slightly saddened look on her face.
 "Ria? What are you doing here?"
 "Oh, Hi! I'm sorry I dropped in on you like this, but I didn't have your phone number, so I decided to try and find your address."
 "Whoa. Don't you live all the way into Light city?"
 She just stared at her.
 "It's really important. I just really needed to talk to you."
 "Um.... OK? Come in."
 "Thank you." She said taking on her usual smile.
 Blake came in the living room carrying a coffee mug,"Hey, Addy, there's a-" he saw her standing in the living room with a blonde haired girl that looked EXACTLY like Lucy. He dropped the mug and it broke in pieces on the ground and the coffee spilled everywhere.
 "Dad! What's wrong?"
 He just stared at the girl with wide unbelieving eyes. He finally snapped out of it,"Um.. sorry!" Then he went and got a broom and swept it up.
 Adrienne felt a rush of worry,"Are you sure you're OK?"
 He smiled his usual grin,"Yeah. I'm good."
 "OK..." She said not believing him at all,"Dad, this is Ria. She's in my class at school."
 He simply stared at her. Is it really-? Yes. It's her. It's got to be! He would know that unusual name anywhere, and especially when she looked exactly like her mom.
 "Dad? Earth to Dad!"
 "Hmm? Oh, sorry. Hi, Ria. Nice to meet you."
 She smiled,"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Millet! 

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