Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 9

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 Carter Rochon walked into school. She smiled and walked through the halls to her locker. Her skirt bounced as she walked, and so did her hair. She smiled to all who walked past her. she opened her locker and got out her books. As she started to go to her magic history class, she noticed a dark, menacing girl.

 She seemed... Scary. Or maybe she was just having a bad day and looked mean. Although she saw a few bandages on her arms as if she had just gotten out of a fight. She seemed much different than other people at the school. Well, she was determined to meet her anyhow.

 Adrienne was sitting in front of the lockers with her headphones on just zoning out into her music, when this preppy, excited looking girl with strawberry blonde hair bounded up to her.
 "Hi!" She said with a big smile,"My name is Carter! What's you're name?"
 She looked up and sighed. She REALLY didn't want to deal with people right now. She still felt bad about everything she said to Jinx the other day, and she still wasn't sure how to make it up to him. She had sort of apologized early in the day, but it was more her telling him not to say he was stupid....
 "Pretty name! So what grade are you in?"
 "I'm freshman."
 "COOL! Me too!"
 She didn't reply. Carter definitely wasn't used to girls like this.
  "What classes do you have left?"
 With a deep sigh she paused her music (which she had just played again because she thought the stupid conversation was over) and replied with agitation,"Magic History, Ancient Literature, LDB, Gym, and Potion Making."
 Carter shivered,
"Ugh! I hate LDB! And Potion Making for that matter... But that's really cool! I have Magic History next too!"
 For those of you who don't understand, Magic History is obviously just History about magic, and important magical figures. Ancient Literature is the study of the old way of talking, and being able to understand the olden languages (like from a thousand years ago). LDB which is short for Living Dead Beings, is mostly survival and how to treat different bites, and really anything you need to know about the dead in case you came face to face with them. Gym is obvious, but it isn't like human Gym. It is a series of hero-ing, and being a heroine. You face life threatening situations, and that way they decide how good you would be on a mission, or how you would do faced with imminent threat and danger. It's more like a pure struggle to stay alive. Potion Making is also obvious. They experiment with different types of potions and learn how to produce their own.
   "I don't mind it very much." Of course she didn't! She didn't have to talk to hardly anyone. She would sometimes be thrown into a group, but it's not like she had to really say anything to them.
 Carter stared at her,
  "Oh, okay! You do you then Well, I hope you have a good day!!!" then she skipped off.
 Adrienne shook her head and played her music. She still wasn't sure that she had done the right thing by saying all of that to Jinx. I mean, he hadn't talked to her since that and it was already almost past lunch. She was starting to get impatient. She couldn't stand feeling like she owed someone something. And yet, she didn't mind talking to him, or even feeling like she had an obligation to him. In fact, she actually kind of liked it! Then she had an excuse to be around him. She didn't know why, but she liked being a round him. Before Ria, she hadn't felt like that about someone since she was in elementary school. She shook the thought from her mind wondering why she was being so ridiculous about the whole situation. It's not like he was going to be anything different from any of the other guys, so why bother? Still, a part of her wanted to believe he was. And THAT was what was really confusing her. Because she had mixed feelings and emotions when it came to the mysterious boy. She sighed and stood. She really didn't feel like hearing a long lecture from Mrs. Josey about the history of magic. She couldn't stand just sitting completely still at a desk for hours not doing anything but listening to drab talking. She walked the opposite way she was supposed to, and went outside. She needed some fresh air.

 When she burst out the doors, she saw a strange looking girl standing under a blossom tree. She sported caramel blonde  hair that was tied into pigtails. Although, maybe it was just her imagination, she honestly couldn't tell anymore, the girl had big, bright red eyes, and..... cat ears?

Image result for sao silica cat  Maybe this was her chance to make it up to Jinx! If she knew what this girl liked, she would probably come close to what Jinx likes! Because, you know, they're both half cats....she sighed understanding her duty. It was the last thing she wanted to do, but she would have to. She would have to talk to this girl. She allowed herself a small shiver, then she started walking towards the girl.
 "Hi." She REALLY wasn't good at this!
 "Oh," the girl said a little louder than she intended to,"Hello!" She smiled. The girl looked pretty agitated, even though she had a smile forced on her face, and she seemed to have come only for an important matter or purpose. Well, she thought at least because of the fierce determined look on the girl's face.
 She sighed. The strange girl was looking at her as if she was trying to figure out whether she was a threat, or a friend. She tried being like the girl, Carter, she had met earlier,"My name is Adrienne. What's yours?" She said in a bland tone lacking all appropriate niceness.
 "Lola. Lola Meunier." She smiled at her, deciding she was a friend who just needed some figuring out. "So why are you talking to me?"
 "Hmm?" She was confused. How did this girl know she was just, well, she was really just using her!
 "Yeah, you look pretty determined and.... well, are you OK? Did something happen to bug you?"
 She just plain stared at Lola. Why would she ask a question like that to someone she just met? "Ummmm...No, I'm fine...."
 She smiled,"Great! Then what do you need?"
 "Um.... I just... wanted to talk to you."
 "Cool! How about we talk on our way to class?"
 "Uh.. Sure..."
 She learned that the girl was from Light City, and that she was one of 7 kids! The worst of all, she was smack dab in the middle of them all! She's apparently the exact middle child. She's not exactly a top class student, but she is way far from failing as well. She loves shopping (downer), BUT to make up for it, she also likes music. She is currently working on a banding called The Alley Cats. It's like a punk rock type. It was really confusing to pick out what they were, because some songs sounded Indie, but others sounded like hard rock, and sometimes they would rap, so it got Adrienne into a jumble. Although sometimes it would give her a major headache, she actually REALLY liked the band! But she couldn't forget, the whole point of this was to get close to Lola and figure out what to do for Jinx by figuring out what she liked.

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