Monday, August 25, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 8

 He was running through the forest as fast as he could. He knew that if he wasn't quick enough, she would die. He had this funny feeling. It was weird. It was warm, but it made his stomach do flips, and he felt as though he would puke. It wasn't fear, although he was afraid of her death, it wasn't anger, and it most definitely wasn't happiness... But that was what made it all the more crazy. He didn't think it was happiness, but when he got the feeling, although he felt sick, it made him smile. The feeling only happened when he was around the girl. He made himself stop thinking of his own silly whims and emotions, and focus on the matter at hand. His best friend was going to be killed, unless he found a way to save her. He ran and ran and finally made it to her house. By the sound of her scream, he ran so fast he thought he flew to the house. He barged the door open, and ran upstairs. He kicked the bedroom door open, and froze in terror at the sight he saw. She was pinned to the wall with a knife, and the man was about to kill her.
 He screamed,"ADRIENNE!"
 And then.... He woke up. His face still outlined in terror, he awoke shaking, and sweat dripping down him. He sat there in bed breathing hard until he realized it was merely a dream. He cursed his dream, and then faced the clock. It was already 7:30. If I don't get up, I will be late. he silently thought. But still, he sat there for a few moments collecting his nerves. That was the third time he had had that dream, and he didn't like it. It was so confusing! Adrienne was just a friend, no not even that. By the way she acted around him all the time, she clearly had no intentions of wanting to be his friend. And why would she? He was just a freak anyways. He was born a freak, and he would die a freak. That was that. Still, the dream bothered him. Don't be a baby! You're acting pathetic. he yelled at himself in his head. He then silently commanded himself to get up, and he did. He grabbed a shirt and pulled on some jeans. He went down the hallway, and ran down the huge grand staircase and walked into the kitchen. His mother was talking to a maid and his father was reading a newspaper. He quickly averted his eyes to the floor and slunk in, taking a seat at the far end of the HUGE and very LONG table. His mother looked up and said,"Good morning, Jinx." She greeted him, and yet there was no love or compassion in her voice. 
 "Good morning, Mother. Good morning, Father."
 Mr. Remey looked up and said,"Good morning." Also with no emotion.
 A few maids came out of the kitchen and laid the breakfast courses in front of each family member. It took them a while to walk all the way down the table to Jinx. He still kept his eyes to the floor. He wanted his parents approval so bad, but he knew he wouldn't get it. He still tried though, of course, he knew they would never truly love him, and yet he still tried so hard. He knew it was useless and a pathetic attempt, but he still had to try. Because no matter what he might try to make himself believe, he loved them. But maybe... maybe if he could prove his worth and regain their respect... maybe....
 "Would you like me to help you with things today, Mother, Father?"
 They looked up and with a disgusted look on Mr. Remey's face he said,"No. You would merely get in the way."
 Jinx looked hopefully at his mom. Mrs. Remey sighed and said,"You would just mess something up, or break something. I haven't the time for a stupid brat."
 He looked down once again,"Yes Father, Mother." He got up from the table, excused himself, pushed in his chair, and walked towards the door. A maid stopped him before he went out.
 "Wouldn't you like something to eat, Master Jinx?"
 He smiled amiably, if you could call it a smile, and replied to her friendly composure,"No, but thank you anyways."
 His father gave him a cold glare and spewed out,"Don't thank her, Jinx. She is nothing but a maid!"
 He hung his head and the maid saw the smile fall from his face and his eyes go back to their clouded state,"Yes, Father."
 The maid bowed her head as her young master walked by her. She felt sorry for the kind boy, and wished she could show him the love that his parents never gave him. Or at least show him kind gestures. Jinx slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked down the street taking in every sound, and every breeze on his way to school. Why do I even try? They'll never love me. They wanted a strong, ruthless son who would take over their estate some day. A son that would become so powerful, that he succeeded even them. I will never be that. And they understand and realize it. That's why they hate me. Because I don't deserve them, and I took their dream away. He sighed and tried thinking that they actually did love them, and that he was just misunderstanding them, but it was hopeless. He had been able to hide the fact away when he was a child, but there was no doubt about it. He couldn't even pretend anymore.
 Although Adrienne wasn't all sure about having Ria over, it went better then she had expected. She actually lived through Ria's stay, and she got up early. (Because Ria woke her up by saying, "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" and throwing the curtains open.) She threw a pillow at her.
 "Ugh! Is that any way to treat your sister?!"
 Adrienne stopped and looked up at a laughing Ria,"What?"
 She stopped,"Oh, is it alright if I call you that? I mean, we're best friends, right? I don't know why, but I just feel really close to you. Like you're my sister!" She gave her a wide smile showing perfect white teeth. It reminded Adrienne of the grin her dad gives her sometimes.

 "I guess it OK." Although Adrienne would never admit it out loud, she felt the exact same way! Which was weird for her... They both filed downstairs. Adrienne yawned but stopped in the middle. She was staring at the kitchen table. It was full of pancakes, syrup, fruit, and bacon. She looked up from the delicious looking food and ran into the living room.
 "Adrienne?" Ria started, confused at the sudden fright. But Adrienne ignored her and ran to her dad.
 His eyes widened in alarm,"What?! Why?!"
 He first looked at her confused and then he smiled,"Oh! No. I just felt like making something."
 She gave him a do-you-really-think-I'm-that-stupid look, but her eyes widened when she saw the serious look on his face. She quickly turned and ran back into the kitchen where she left poor Ria.
 "Are you OK? You look a little pale..." Ria asked, alarmed.
 "I'm fine... For now.... But I think there's something wrong with my dad..."
 "Hmm? What is it?" For some reason, Ria didn't understand but she really liked Adrienne's dad. She felt comfortable around him, he seemed familiar as well, but she didn't know where she had seen him before...
 Adrienne was surprised at the sudden concern in Ria's tone,"Um, never mind... I'm just surprised he cooked is all...."
 "Oh." She felt much better then. They both sat down and started eating. She stopped, even though Adrienne was stuffing her face not stopping, she was surprised. It tasted so good! And it tasted familiar too. She knew she had eaten these pancakes before, but that was rediculous! She had never even met Adrienne's dad until yesterday. But still.....
 "I've got it!"
 "You've got vhat?" Adrienne asked through a huge mouthful.
 "This must be my mom's recipe!"
 "Yeah! I kept sitting here trying to figure out where I've tasted these pancakes before... and that's where! It's because my mom makes them all the time! She said they were my dad's favorite." She smiled sadly.
 "Cool! They're my dad's favorite too!" She laughed,"Our dads totally need to get together sometime. You could invite your dad over here sometime if you like!"
 Ria looked at her surprisingly nice and polite smile and smiled sweetly although a hint of sadness was still in her eyes,"Oh, I'm sorry to say, but my dad died."
 Adrienne's face fell into a look of horror,"I am sooo sorry! I didn't know."
 She smiled,"It's alright! You didn't know because I didn't tell you. Besides, I never knew him anyways. He died when I was just a baby."
 Adrienne placed her hand lightly on Ria's shoulder,"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, my mom died too."
 Ria looked up. She didn't know what she would do without her mom! It must be horrible,"I'm sorry too!"
 Adrienne smiled,"Actually, we're a lot alike! My mom died when I was a baby too."
 Both girls laughed slightly. It made them both feel better to have someone with that type of thing in common. They both ran upstairs to get ready for school.
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  Sadly for Ria, all Adrienne had in her closet was mostly black. A few purples and blues, even a few greens, but mostly black. She stared in the mirror. She looked NOTHING like herself. Although she would NEVER dress like that normally, and would never think about dressing like that, she sort of.... liked it. She didn't understand what it was, because her being, well... her, she shouldn't like it. In fact, she should be really uncomfortable even being at Night City, but if she really told the truth, she really loved it! Which was crazy since she had been told many scary stories about what happens to people who drift down to Night City when they weren't supposed to. She knew that it was VERY dangerous to be thinking this way, but she couldn't help it! Much like someone who is on a diet can't help but love fatty foods. Even though they know they can't have it, they still want it. Adrienne watched her nervously, simultaneously chewing on the ends of some of her hair. Ria turned around.
 "I love it! I just- HEY!" she ran and smacked Adrienne's hand and the strand of hair fell limply to her side. "You're gonna get split ends doing that!"
 "I can't help it! I do that without thinking." She pouted.
 Ria sighed,"You're just like my mom!" she laughed,"She has the exact same habit."
 Adrienne laughed,"You know what's crazy?"
 "When you turned around and gave me that big grin, you reminded me of my dad!" she started laughing.
 "Do I really?" Ria smiled at the mirror. She took a small step back. Especially while she was wearing black, She looked just like Mr. Millet! She had the same large, dark eyes, the same facial features, and the same big grin. She had her mom's nose and ears, but she looked the most like Mr. Millet!
 "Hmm? Oh! Sorry..."
 "You OK?"
 "Uh.... Yeah!" She smiled.
 "Good!" She laughed slightly. It really was uncanny how much Ria looked like her father....
 "Blake! How could you do that?!"
 "I'm sorry, Lucy! But, it was the only way for us all to stay alive and for you not to get hurt."
 She stopped, the anger seeping out of her eyes leaving just a sad but compassionate woman,"You did that because you were worried about me? Me and the children?"
 He looked down and bit his lip. He had stayed strong through this whole thing, but he suddenly couldn't take it any longer. He ran to her and threw his arms around her gripping tightly, but not hurting her. He started crying. Not loudly, but he still was crying.
 "I just don't want anything to happen to you!"
 Her eyes widened when he ran into her arms, but she smiled down at him now. She lightly ruffled his hair with her hand. "I'm alright, Blake. We're all going to be just fine." She kept running her fingers through his soft, thick hair hoping it would sooth him at the least.
 He stood up,"I'm sorry" Turning his face from her.
 She smiled and wiped a tear from his cheek,"It's alright, Blake. Just let it go." She pulled him to the bed and hugged him tight. She knew that if it hadn't been for him so many times before allowing her to cry on his shoulder, she wouldn't have been able to make it through life. She pulled him closer to her and tried soothing him with words. He finally gave in and cried on her shoulder.
 "You're right. This is the best decision. We might have to lie to them about their parents' whereabouts, but it will all be worth it." She assured him.
 "Are you sure?"
 "Completely. Besides, maybe someday we will be able to tell them. Blake, we were meant for each other, I KNOW that SOMEDAY we WILL see each other again."
 "You really think so?"
 "I know so." 
 He smiled,"Then I will look foreword to seeing you again, Lucy Abbott."
 She grinned,"I guess it's not Lucy Millet anymore... And you as well, Blake Millet." They both laughed.
 Ria and Adrienne walked to their lockers together laughing a lot, when Jinx walked up.
 Ria smiled,"Oh, hi, Jinx!" Adrienne only crossed her arms.
 "I just wanted to say sorry for peeking inside your window yesterday..."
 Adrienne narrowed her eyes,"Yeah. What was up with that anyways? And how are all of these people getting my address?! Are you the one who told Ria where I lived? If so, how did you find out?!"
 He reverted his eyes back to the floor like he did all the time,"I'm sorry. I don't know why people have your address, but I never told Ria. I knew where because my dad is friends with someone from the council, and he had a map of everything and everyone who lived in Night City."
 "Well then what were you doing spying on us?!"
 "I am really sorry...I just... I thought you were in danger somehow... Stupid, right? I.. I'll just leave you alone. I'm really sorry I caused you so much trouble." with his eyes still fixated on the ground, he turned to leave.
 "Wait!" She grabbed his arm, stopping him. She gently let go and looked down. She bit her lip then looked at him,"No, I'm sorry. I should have listened to your explanation at the very beginning and then judge whether to be mad or not." Now she felt REALLY bad. He had gone to all of that trouble because he thought she was in trouble?
 "No, I shouldn't have been so stupid. I'm sorry."
 She smiled at him,"You're not stupid! Where would you get a crazy idea like that?"
 He looked up and into her kind, smiling eyes. He didn't understand why this girl was being so compassionate to him. He shrugged, "I always have been." Well, his parents always told him he was, so he must be.
 She then frowned. Then she slapped him! His eyes were wide with shock. He was used to that type of abuse from his parents, and actually from most people in school, but he didn't understand what he had done wrong this time.
 "Adrienne!" Ria exclaimed.
 Adrienne completely ignored her and gave him a long hard glare. Well, it looked like a glare, but if you really looked into her eyes, you could tell she was angry, but not at him. "Don't you dare call yourself stupid again, you hear me?!"
 He looked up with shock. That was the first time he had been beaten because of calling himself a name, and he didn't understand because his parents would slap him if he ever tried saying he was smart. Then she smiled at him.
 "You're not stupid, OK? Don't ever let anyone tell you that. Especially not yourself."
 He wanted to smile, but realized that in he had forgotten for quite a few years. He knew what a smile looked like, but he didn't know how to produce one. So, he nodded his head. Ria just stared at her with shock. Adrienne usually seemed like the one to call someone stupid, or get into a fight with someone. She could hold a grudge longer than anyone she had ever met before, and she had only seen Adrienne actually help someone once. And that time was when Jinx Remey helped her. She usually just "Paid people back" if they had done something for her. Once she felt like she had given them something in return, she left them alone and stayed in her own little world that had no one except her and her dad.
 Adrienne then realized them both looking at her. Probably because she wasn't really someone who would be really nice and compassionate. Even if she had done it in her own way... so she tried to cover it up by saying,"Come on. We're all gonna be late for class if we don't hurry, and I'm not dragging your butts down to detention with me!" They both grinned as she huffed and ran off. Ria thought She's back!
 "Hey, wait up for me, Addy!" Ria yelled to her. And Jinx slowly slunk behind them. He was confused. That feeling he had gotten around Adrienne in his dream was so intense. He thought it would disappear because it was merely a dream, but he still got that feeling every time he was near her.

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