Saturday, August 23, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 5

 The alarm clock was going off. Ria lightly pressed the button to hush it and slowly arose from her bed. She smiled as she pulled open her pink curtains and light fled into the room. She got dressed and skipped downstairs.
 "Good morning, Mother!" she sang as she took a seat at the table.
 "Good morning, sweetie! Did you sleep well?" her mother asked while setting a plate that had blueberry pancakes on it.
 "I did! Thank you for asking. May I have the orange juice, please?"
 "Sure thing." she passed it over to her,"I was wondering if you could help me paint the walls in the kitchen today. Are you up for it?"
 Ria swallowed,"Oh, Mom, I would love to, but I told Lily that we could go shopping after school."
 "Well, alright."
 "But I can come back and help afterwords!"
 Her mom smiled,"No, that's OK. You just go have fun."
 She smiled, kissed her mom on the cheek and grabbed her backpack,"Thanks, Mom!"
  Blake sat still as they put chains around his wrists."Make sure that's good and tight!" a guard said. He felt like if they tightened it anymore, his wrists would brake. The only thing that was keeping him calm at the moment was knowing that Lucy and their daughters were going to be safe. They led him out of his cell and prodded him to the arena. He squinted as the sun beat down on him. He looked up at his imminent doom looming in front of him. It was a stage in the middle of a huge battle arena. Except this isn't a battle.  he thought. There is no fighting back, and no winning. In the middle of the large stage was a wooden stake. They were first going to beat him senseless for his "crimes" and then they were going to kill him. Most likely either burning him, or they would set hungry lions free in the arena. He had made a deal with the council that if he atoned for his crimes, then they would let Lucy and their daughters go. To make sure they didn't still want to hurt her after they were finished with him, he lied and said that he had forced Lucy into being with him, and she was just so nice that she couldn't stand up for herself. Of course, him being the son of two very evil beings who caused much destruction for the council, they believed him. Especially since they hated him, where as Lucy was kind to them since she was a little girl, so they liked her and hated for her to go through any unnecessary punishment. Lucy stared in horror as she saw her husband being marched onto the stage. They aren't really going through with this, right?
"Lilly!" Ria yelled across the parking lot.

  A brown haired girl sitting on a bench faithfully waiting for her best friend jumped up.
 "Ria! I'm so glad you're finally here!!!"
 "Me too!"
 "There are already tons of amazing sales and everything!" she said grabbing Ria's wrist as she dragged her off.They both had tons of fun and laughed lots.
 In the meantime, Adrienne was walking to her locker. She had gotten detention, so she had stayed late at school. Stupid teacher. Just because there is a lizard in her lunch, doesn't mean it was me! She sighed. SHE knew she wasn't the culprit, but the teacher didn't. Not that I WOULDN'T put a lizard in her lunch... But still, it wasn't me and I shouldn't have to serve some other kid's detention. She started to wonder where the detention room WAS, when Jinx walked up. Or should I say sneaked up. He was standing right behind her.
 "Whatcha doin'?"
 She screamed. "JINX! Don't scare me like that!!! Geez. When did you get here?!"
 "I've only been here for about 7 seconds."
 She sighed,"So what do ya need?"
 He stopped, stock still. He had just wanted to come up and talk to her, but he didn't know how. And he really didn't know how to talk to people. "Umm... Nothing. Never mind." Then he slinked off.
 "OK?" She somehow felt like she had warded him off. Great. How do I do these things?
  Lucy screamed at them to stop as they whipped lash after lash on the public example of  why light and dark magic cannot mix. She knew that Blake couldn't stand much more of it. He looked down at all of his blood that was spilling out of his body. I love you Lucy. was his last thought. Lucy saw his fists slowly go down and his head fell limp. She screamed. She thought that she had no more tears left to cry with, but she started crying so much she thought she might fill a river. Her life was over. If Blake was gone, there was no life to live. She looked down at her hands and clenched them into fists. For once in her life, she felt true rage. Not just anger, but full on rage. She started shaking and then screamed so loud, everyone thought she might start an earthquake. With her new found strength, she got free of the guards grip on her, and flew down to Blake. 
 She screamed,"UNTIE HIM! NOW!!"
 No one had ever seen this side of Lucy. Even Lucy herself didn't know about this side of her. They all knew that he was dead, so they got a sword and slashed the rope that held his hands above him, forcing him to stand even if he was knocked down. Everyone knew the show was over, so they all filed out of the arena. Only the council and a few guards were left. She caught him as he fell foreword and slowly laid him onto the ground and held his hand. 
 "Blake! Oh Blake!!" She cried, her tears returning to her,"Please don't be dead! Don't leave me! Please, Blake! BLAKE!" she was sitting in his blood, and was sopping wet with her tears mingled with his blood, but she didn't care. All she could do was pray that God would forgive her and give him back to her.
 The leader of the council stood,"Lucy Abbott. What you have witnessed today was simply discipline. He had it coming to him right when you both made your decisions to marry each other. Be thankful you are not hurt and that this heathen paid your price."
 She slowly looked up with hot tears and anger burning in her eyes,"What price?"
 The leader looked confused,"Has no one ever told you what the price is to fall in love with a dark magic being?"
 She was now confused,"Yes, it's death."
 "No. It isn't. It harsh beating, and then exile. And if you have any children, they would be killed."
 "What? Then why did you-?" 
 "We killed him because of the deal he made with us."
 "What deal?"
 "Well, he said he had forced you into marriage, and that you really hadn't done anything wrong. He said that as long as he atoned for both of your crimes that we would have to let you and your daughters go."
 "We told him that the only way through atonement for all crimes would be death. He said he didn't care as long as all three of you were safe for the rest of your lives."
 She looked down at Blake and started crying again. How could you do this to me, Blake?! You idiot! You're always trying to protect me! When the one who needs protecting is you! She cradled his head on her knees. Even though she knew he couldn't hear her, she whispered,"I love you, Blake."

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