Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 20

 Ria was walking down the side of the ocean like she always did when she needed to think. It helped her to calm down and just, breathe.It was like nothing bad could ever happen on her beautiful, empty beach. No one ever came to this particular beach because not many people knew about it. One day, she had stumbled upon it when she was a little kid and was in need of a friend to talk to. The only other person whom she had ever shared her little beach with was her best friend Lilly. No, she couldn't afford to think of her friends right now. She was supposed to meet up with Adrienne and talk about what they were planning, and how they were planning to approach the Council. She smiled as she thought about how brave her parents must have been when fighting for their cause. I wonder what they were like back then.... They must have been the most wonderful people to be around.

 There was only one negative thought clouding her mind. Her parents fell in love. Like truly and wholly love. A type of love that only happens once, and that is true love. True love always prevails. ALWAYS. So why weren't they successful? Her parents had what really mattered the most, and yet they still lost to the bad guys. So what made her think that SHE was any better? If her parents just barely skimmed past the Council's rules, then why would SHE make any difference? She didn't even know what she was really saying when she suggested talking to the Council, she just got mad and said it. she didn't have the slightest clue of how to actually DO any of that.

Monday, November 24, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 19

 Adrienne dried her hair with a dull expression in front of the mirror. Her thoughts were spilling over the capacity of her brain. Is Jinx OK? Has Ria figured out a plan on how to approach the Council? Is that what I'm supposed to do? Should we just walk through the doors? Should I just skip school and spend time with Dad? Should me and Ria think about this with Jinx and talk it over? Should we tell Lucy and Dad? Where has Ria been? She didn't call me yesterday and I didn't see her after lunch. I know it was last week, and he said he was just kidding, but is Jinx still thinking about leaving Asfiria? He can't! He'll just kill himself! Ugh. People are stupid. Things are stupid. EVERYTHING IS STUPID. She was really just sick of everything and only wanted for her family to live in peace and for them to all have at least semi-normal lives. She slammed her bathroom door and stomped into her room and laid in bed while blasting music as loud as her earphones would allow before she went deaf. She saw a shadow at her window and she paused her MP3 player to look out the window. There wasn't anything there but.... I could've sworn something moved out here. She sighed, It's probably just a tree.

Friday, November 21, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 18

 Jinx stared down at his bedroom floor. He'd been sitting there for quite some time, just trying to come up with a way to help Adrienne. Oh, and Ria! Yupp, her too... why do they have to be so impossibly set in their ways? Then he remembered Adrienne's fierce determination when she finally saw how Ria was right. We will approach the council she'd said in anger, we will get our family back together!  He sighed and laid back so he was on the bed. Well, someone's got to make sure they don't kill themselves. He got up and walked out the door.
 Ria was talking to herself as she always did, when she bumped into Ryan Barbotti and his posse. "Oh, Hello Ryan." she smiled politely.
 "'Sup, Sweet-cheeks?" he replied with a cruel smile.
 She forced a smile,"Nothing much, now if you'll excuse me...."
 "Where you goin'?" said Mitchell, the first guy in Ryan's posse.
 "I really must be going...."
 Ryan's eyes flashed with anticipation,"So soon?" She tried to push past him, but he just grabbed her arm and pulled her tightly to him,"The party's just starting, babe."
 "Let me go, Ryan!" she shouted as she squirmed in his grasp.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 17

 Lucy was currently in her room spring cleaning EVERYTHING. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get Blake out of her mind. It just wasn't fair! Why couldn't she and Blake be together? It didn't make any sense! What was so bad about them loving each other? Did it really make that much of a difference from anyone else's love? She sighed. She knew her mind was going crazy again, but she couldn't help it. Then, she heard the front door open. "Ria! Is that you?"
 "Yeah, Mom!"
 She got up to go see why on Light City her daughter was doing home instead of at school. When she came down the stairs, she saw Adrienne with her, and it looked as if she had been crying. All thoughts of interrogating her daughter flew from her mind,"Adrienne, are you alright?"
 She smiled and sniffed a little,"Yeah, I'm OK."
 Lucy wanted to go to her and hug her to make her feel better like she had always done with Ria, but she wasn't sure if she should. What if she got caught? What would that mean for the three of them? And Blake at his home? No. I don't give a poop! She's my daughter no matter whether she grew up without me or not. She's MY Adrienne, and I'm going to treat her like my daughter! And a mother should. She ran down the last three steps and quickly embraced her. Adrienne slightly tensed up, but it wasn't until Lucy had hugged her that she realized how much she had always dreamed of a mother, and how much she had wanted a mother to hug when she was little. She threw her arms around her and couldn't help but cry a little. She didn't understand, she had hardly ever cried when she was little, or when she got a bit older. It wasn't exactly in her nature to just start crying, yet she had done so much of it lately.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 16

 "We're going to approach the Council!" said Ria triumphantly. The effect of her words was instant, Adrienne stumbled back, making a strange choking sound and Jinx's eyes got huge and round.
 "What?!" Adreinne shrieked in an exasperated tone,"Have you lost your mind?!!"
 "No!" she replied indignantly,"I haven't lost anything except for a happy set of parents!"
 Adreinne couldn't reply. How could Ria think that if their amazing parents couldn't get the Council to except them and their love, how in Light or Dark City alike could they get them to change their minds so suddenly?!
 Jinx finally spoke up,"That's a REALLY bad idea, Ria."
 "What?!" she cried,"You're on her side too?!"
 "I'm not on anybodies side! I just think it's a bad idea to just run into the situation without even thinking or having a plan. The Council is ruthless. You do NOT want to make them mad."
 "And how would you know?"
 He looked down,"I just do, alright?"

Sunday, September 28, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 15

 Ria opened her eyes, she saw a bedpost above her. At first she just blinked, confused, until she remembered that she was in Adrienne's room. Then she remembered that she was there because in all the rush, her mom had forgotten that she was only supposed to come to Adrienne's house for supper, and not for a slumber party. So she accidentally left her there. She lightly poked Adrienne, trying not to make her mad, but still trying to wake her up.
 "Wake up, sleepyhead!"
 "Come on, Addy! We have to get ready for school!"

Since she wasn't prepared to sleep over, she had to borrow Adrienne's clothes once again. She found a cute white blouse, and a black mini-skirt and decided to wear that. Adrienne decided to wear a simple black tank-top and shorts. They ran downstairs to some eggs that were sitting on the table. Blake had a bleary look in his eyes, the poor man looked miserable. "Eat quickly girls you'll be late for school" he mumbled sounding zoned out. The two girls exchanged glances and then both ate quickly and silently. Adrienne kissed her dad's cheek and Ria gave him a quick hug. The twin girls bid a hasty retreat and ran out into the cool morning air.

Friday, September 19, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 14

 Adrienne groaned,"But DADDY!!!!"
 "I SAID no!"
 "UGH!!!! But she's my friend!!!! Why can't she come over?!"
 "I don't mind if you have her over!"
 She glared at him,"BUT DAAAAD!!!!!"
 "I said no! END OF DISCUSSION."
 She crossed her arms,"She's my best friend, Dad!"
 He looked at her determined eyes and knew that she would be undeterred from this notion, so he sighed and mumbled,"Fine. ONLY because she's not sleeping over."
 "But- Fine."
 "Good. Now, go to school before you're late."
 Her angry frown disappeared and he sighed, knowing he had been tricked. He just couldn't resist the puppy eyes!
 "THANKS DAAAAD!!!!!!" she yelled as she ran to the bus stop. About an hour later, she saw Ria sitting under a tree outside of the school. She jogged up to her,"Ria! I did it!" she yelled.

Monday, September 15, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 13

 Ria heard her mother yell about someone being on the phone thingy. Stifling a giggle, she picked up the phone "Hello?" Ria wasn't sure what she expected but Adrienne's hoarse, scared voice wasn't it.
 "Ria...hey get somewhere alone this is serious..." Ria sat against the door in her room listening to Adrienne's nervous voice as she told the entire story. Ria's big dark eyes widened.
 "Oh no Adrienne that's horrible!!" she whispered, terror filling her voice.
 Adrienne nodded, "But...who's Lucy and why are you in trouble...?"
 Ria frowned at the ground, "Lucy is my mom's name...." she said softly.
 Adrienne's eyes widened slightly,"We need to meet up can we meet at the borderline between Light City and Night City?"
 Ria blinked nervously but answered "Yeah totally."
 Ria was pacing along the Light/Night borderline with a worried look in her eyes. Adrienne came running over, her dark hair flying.
 "Hey Ria, I'm so sorry that I asked you to come all the way here, but I just HAD to see you!"
 Ria walked up to her and smacked her on the head.

Friday, September 5, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 12

 Adrienne's dream was strange. Kids with magical powers, especially diviners like Lola, have strange dreams anyway, but this one was WAY beyond Adrienne's normal weird. In her dream she was running not away from something but toward something. She had dirt smudged on her face and her clothes where ripped and tattered. As she ran she stumbled from exhaustion I have to make it if I don't he'll die! she thought wildly. As she ran her fear became so intense her magic began responding to it. Random bursts of electricity sparked from her body responding to her crazy emotions. As she ran she saw a hooded figure standing over a cowering boy prepared to kill him
 "NO!" Adrienne jolted up screaming herself awake. She sat there breathing heavily her body drenched in cold sweat. Slowly she got out of bed and dressed for school her mind's eye replaying the horrifying dream. Who was that boy? she thought grabbing her school stuff and an apple, heading out the door.

 As she walked to school she passed a white haired girl, not Winter Velezo, but another girl she had never seen. This girl had her head bowed and was shivering slightly. Adrienne bit her lip and slowly walked over.

Friday, August 29, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 11

 Adrienne began stuffing the bandages, peroxide and other medical supplies in her bag. She purposely kept her eyes downcast so Jinx couldn't see her bright pink cheeks. What's this weird feeling? she thought. Jinx glanced away, his tail fluffing up
 "Um Adrienne...." he began. Right then the bell rang. Yelping, Adrienne got to her feet.
 Jinx's ears drooped slightly "Oh um yeah see ya later." he mumbled softly. Adrienne tore through the halls her black hair flying, as she rounded the corner she smashed in to someone. A groaning Adrienne fell to the ground.
 "Hey!" she spat.  A boy stood there rubbing his forehead, his electric blue eyes flashing. It was Ryan Barbotti. The dark haired boy started to say something, but then shook his head realizing it wasn't every day cute girls ran into him. Deciding to make the best of situation, he gave Adrienne his most winning smile.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 10

 "Hey, Addy!" Ria yelled across the hall. She started running towards her when she saw her at the lockers. She was excited to tell her about the new clothes she purchased at the store with Lilly, but she stopped short when she saw Adrienne already talking to someone. She switched from running, to walking.
 A girl with long blonde hair and cat ears with a tail wagging furiously was talking nonstop to her,"And so I was like NO WAY! And he was all like YES! And I was just like BEEP BEEP BEEP- YOU'RE CRAZY!!!" And they both started laughing. Adrienne was laughing? Wow. Ria had managed to smuggle out a laugh every once in a while from her, but she was surprised that someone else could get one from her.
 "OH MY GOSH, SERIOUSLY?!" then she burst into laughter.
 "YES! I couldn't believe it! And when I went to band rehearsal that night and told them, they all freaked! So we had a HUGE blowout! It was the craziest party EVER!"
 "Wow! I wish I could've been there!"
 "Too bad you weren't! We totally could have pigged out on Pizza!"
 "I know, right?"
 Then Ria decided she would try coming into the conversation."Hi, Adrienne! Who's your friend?" she said, eyeing her suspiciously.
 "Oh, hey Ria! This is Lola."

How It All Began: Chapter 9

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 Carter Rochon walked into school. She smiled and walked through the halls to her locker. Her skirt bounced as she walked, and so did her hair. She smiled to all who walked past her. she opened her locker and got out her books. As she started to go to her magic history class, she noticed a dark, menacing girl.

 She seemed... Scary. Or maybe she was just having a bad day and looked mean. Although she saw a few bandages on her arms as if she had just gotten out of a fight. She seemed much different than other people at the school. Well, she was determined to meet her anyhow.

Monday, August 25, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 8

 He was running through the forest as fast as he could. He knew that if he wasn't quick enough, she would die. He had this funny feeling. It was weird. It was warm, but it made his stomach do flips, and he felt as though he would puke. It wasn't fear, although he was afraid of her death, it wasn't anger, and it most definitely wasn't happiness... But that was what made it all the more crazy. He didn't think it was happiness, but when he got the feeling, although he felt sick, it made him smile. The feeling only happened when he was around the girl. He made himself stop thinking of his own silly whims and emotions, and focus on the matter at hand. His best friend was going to be killed, unless he found a way to save her. He ran and ran and finally made it to her house. By the sound of her scream, he ran so fast he thought he flew to the house. He barged the door open, and ran upstairs. He kicked the bedroom door open, and froze in terror at the sight he saw. She was pinned to the wall with a knife, and the man was about to kill her.
 He screamed,"ADRIENNE!"

Sunday, August 24, 2014

How It All Began Chapter 7

 Blake's eyes fell to the floor "Mr. Millet"? he thought sadly. It hurt him deeply that Ria couldn't remember her own father. He knew it wasn't her fault, and he knew that she SHOULDN'T remember him, but the formal words stabbed him straight through the heart.
 Shaking his head his hair flew away from his eyes and looked into a pair of eyes so much like his own. "Ria eh? You must be one of Adrienne's friends from school right?"
 Ria was slightly taken aback his eyes looked just like hers large and dark. "Ummmm well something like that...." Ria murmured trailing off, staring into his eyes, mesmerized.

How It All Began: Chapter 6

 Blake opened his eyes. He saw two ceiling fans above him, wait, no, it was just one and he was seeing double. He focused a little better and saw that he was in a small room that had a bed, a side table with a pitcher of water on it and some bandages, and a chair. He sat up, well tried, but was forced to lay back down because of the jolting pain coursing through his body. Where am I? I thought I was dead... He then started to remember what happened last before he died. Well, he thought he died. He flew into an upright position even though the pain was immense and started frantically looking around as if Lucy would just appear if he thought hard enough. Lucy! Lucy!!! Lucy was the only thought in his mind when all of a sudden, a women opened the door and came in. She gasped when she saw him sitting upright in bed looking as if he was in a panic.
 She ran over to him and pushed him back into bed as gently as possible while still being firm,"No! You must stay in bed!"
 It wasn't much of a struggle because he was so weak, but he still gave every ounce of energy into getting up to find his wife. "Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Lu-!"

Saturday, August 23, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 5

 The alarm clock was going off. Ria lightly pressed the button to hush it and slowly arose from her bed. She smiled as she pulled open her pink curtains and light fled into the room. She got dressed and skipped downstairs.
 "Good morning, Mother!" she sang as she took a seat at the table.
 "Good morning, sweetie! Did you sleep well?" her mother asked while setting a plate that had blueberry pancakes on it.
 "I did! Thank you for asking. May I have the orange juice, please?"
 "Sure thing." she passed it over to her,"I was wondering if you could help me paint the walls in the kitchen today. Are you up for it?"
 Ria swallowed,"Oh, Mom, I would love to, but I told Lily that we could go shopping after school."
 "Well, alright."
 "But I can come back and help afterwords!"
 Her mom smiled,"No, that's OK. You just go have fun."
 She smiled, kissed her mom on the cheek and grabbed her backpack,"Thanks, Mom!"

How It All Began: Chapter 4

 He heard the clip clop of guards walking up to his cell. Blake sat up and ran over to the steel metal bars of his cell, approaching the guards.
 "Where is Lucy?!"
 "You'll see her soon enough."
 Then he regained his composure (from which he had lost a few moments in his panic) and replied ever so calmly,"If you hurt Lucy, or either of my daughters, I will kill you all."
 "Promise me."
 He was slightly taken aback from this odd response to a death threat,"What?"
 "Do it. I dare you. Only then will the council see just how terrible we all know you are."
 Blake couldn't help but lose it just slightly, he growled and shook the bars as if they would break if he tried hard enough. "WAIT!" he yelled at the retreating guard," I'll make you a deal."

Friday, August 22, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 3

  Ria skipped towards class pulling Adrienne along by the arm, Adrienne who was getting even more agitated squirmed trying to jerk her arm free.
   "OMG ADRIENNE!!!!" Ria suddenly squealed snatching the raven haired girl's school schedule "WE HAVE HOMEROOM AND 4 OTHER CLASSES TOGETHER!!!!" her voice rose in pitch with delight. Adrienne, who had wrenched her arm free, raised her eyes to the heavens Oh why me she thought horrified. Ria grinned with delight, babbling on about how they'd be besties forever and just like sisters and blah blah blah. Then it happened, the volcano erupted or perhaps the storm rolled in is a better comparison. Adrienne's electric blue eyes flashed and her voice lowered three octaves as she howled, "SHUT UUUUUUP!!!!!" A bolt of lightning flashed responding to her anger. Ria stumbled back her voice cut off and she looked at Adrienne completely emotionless. She had never been exposed to that level of anger.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How It all Began: Chapter 2

  This girl had jet black hair, or maybe you would say raven. She had foreboding blue eyes, and she wore mostly all black. She opened the locker next to Ria and turned her backpack upside down inside of it so the books would fall into it. She closed it and started to walk off when Ria addressed her.
 "Hello!" she said all bright and cheery. It was as if the birds outside were chirping when she talked,"What's your name?"
 The girl turned around,"Adrienne." When she talked, it was as if you could see the dark and lightning in her eyes.
 She looked left and right then smiled,"I'm Ria!"

Saturday, May 24, 2014

How It All Began: Chapter 1

 Ria sat up and smiled. It was the start of a beautiful day! She jumped out of bed excited for her first day of school.
 "Ria! Darling! I have breakfast all ready for you!"
 She smiled,"I'll be down in a minute!"
 She dressed for the (in her opinion) glorious occasion! Then she flew downstairs. She hugged and kissed her mom,"Good morning, Mother! How did you sleep last night?"
 "Very well, my dear. Did you sleep well?"
 "Yes, Mother. I had the most wonderful dream!"
 "And what would that be?"
 " I can't tell! Or else it might not come true... Well, thank you for the blue berry pancakes!"
 "You are very welcome, sweetie!"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Light and Darkness-How it all Began: The Prologue


 Lucy was putting books in her locker when her friends came up.
 "Hey, Lucy!"
 "Oh, hey guys!"
 "So, we were all going to the mall to look at the new potions store. You wanna come?" her friend Joscline asked.
 "Sure I do! I just gotta- oh wait." She sighed,"I can't."
 "Well why not?!" Alidia pried.
 "I have to clean the erasers in Magic History and-"
 "Aw, that's too bad! Well, we had better get going or they'll close!" Joscline interrupted.
 "Yeah, ok. See you tomorrow?"
 "Yeah!" They yelled as they flew off.
 Lucy moaned and slammed her locker shut. Why did I have to get in trouble today?! UGH! This is an awful day!